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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Beat two games today! Now Ico is finished and will be replaced by Shadow of the Colossus on my now playing list.
  2. Orcs aren't the easiest creatures to be diplomatic with.
  3. dude.. I did the quest but he won't become a friggen MONK! Better even: I failed the freaking Diplomacy check in front of Bonegnashers'(that is what it was) lair even though my Diplomacy is 19. What the heck gives? There's a random element, not a straight comparison.. Or, it may just be an exceptionally high difficulty. So, I just beat a replay of Zone of the Enders. Now to finish Ico while putting off Shadow Hearts.
  4. OMG why did you mention NOLF? I want NOLF 3...like, NOW! I just bought NOLF2 from Fry's for $9.99! By "just" I mean Thursday.
  5. Of all the Gundams, why would it be Wing? Personally, 083 is my favorite. Followed by Wing.
  6. Finished Secrets of the Ark (Broken Sword IV - Angel of Death). On to the second half of Shadow Hearts!
  7. I just found out I own every United States release of Final Fantasy VI SNES Final Fantasy III PS Final Fantasy Anthologies GBA Final Fantasy VI Advance I have found so many old games I want to replay while looking through my old games that I should never buy another game again. This could probably last the rest of my life.
  8. I take all threats of personal apocalypse very seriously! There is hope! http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=236827&cid=19338927
  9. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2001320...7250185,00.html
  10. A Duke Nukem game, whenever it's released, has the ability to impress on par with Serious Sam. People like to be able to take their FPS games at least a little bit seriously, nowadays. Or.. I could be wrong.
  11. Record of Lodoss War and Macross are FING AWESOME! Record of Lodoss War is among the best out there, even today. Macross is awkward because of the whole Robotech thing.
  12. Sure. And if you think that the difficulty sliders should have better AI control, I agree. But I'm certainly not underestimating the capabilities of the truly average player. Normal difficulty, especially at the earliest stage of the game, should be very easy-going. I... uh... have no disagreement with any of this. Still, I do have a reputation to maintain, so rabble rabble.
  13. The people that post on these boards are not indicative of the average player's experience and abilities. Isn't that what difficulty sliders are for, though?
  14. I always knew I was gay. Thanks for pointing that out. The avatar should have been a dead giveaway.
  15. I'm not following your logic. If certain players group together (as they do now), then what harm could be done if they had some of their own special (non-magic) items. More like "diary icons" than weapons, if you follow my meaning. I think one concern Cant has is that it will take away from the atmosphere of the game by injecting ridiculous content that doesn't fit the setting. I think it's more of an interest in professional seriously developed content from those with experience and a vested livelihood in attempting quality as opposed to content that results from a bunch of random people over the internet who, by majority, lack experience and have limited investment. Also "power corrupts." Additionally, there's a vast difference between players controlling the content and players getting "diary icons."
  16. Or maybe we've had alts around here and he just thought you were the OP's alt and was not calling you an idiot. But hey, it's easier to think everyone is against you.
  17. I actually beat Fusion and remember liking it.
  18. How is it then? I'll let you know when I've played enough to render a verdict. 5 hours in and I've had enough laughs to remember why I liked the last one. Puzzles are significantly challenging. But, some are in the class of old adventure games where it's obscure objects, combinations, and pixel hunts.
  19. It was awesome.
  20. How is it then? I'll let you know when I've played enough to render a verdict.
  21. I just purchased Secrets of the Ark (Broken Sword: Angel of Darkness to non-Americans). I've spent way too much on games in the past week and a half.
  22. I'm a moderator!
  23. World | V Handbasket -> Hell
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