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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I hate peanut butter and jelly. -.-
  2. They brought the old assault rifle back!
  3. I didn't like the red devils.
  4. My sister beat the original Mario. I can't say they were harder. Some of the old Castlevania games weren't simply "hard" they were retarded. They expected you to throw Holy Water on every little block you came across. Considering you were walking on them, that's a lot of blocks. I recall there was one, where to progress through the game you had to do some silly complicated move that is never referenced anywhere and makes no contextual sense.
  5. Anyone who argues that point is classifying every game in existence as a role playing game. Which results in the Japanese misdefinition where they even think Metal Gear Solid is an RPG (the game even says so in the latter part of 2). This isn't my "needs." I'm firmly enjoy many SquareEnix JRPGs and Morrowind. My interest in what I'm putting forth is for the matters of classification and communication. It gets a little silly when everything that features a character growth mechanic is automatically labeled an RPG. People start thinking that because they enjoyed Diablo, they'll automatically enjoy Final Fantasy or vice versa because supposedly they're the same genre.
  6. Assassin's Creed PC Black Mesa: Source Starcraft 2 And now, thanks to Big Bottom's post and a googled wiki article Civ 4 - Beyond the Sword
  7. A game that encourages actual... gasp, roleplaying. Considering the majority of SquareEnix RPGs give you a character with a pre-defined personality that plays his personality out for you, they don't qualify. Bethesda games don't give you the opportunity to express a characters personality unless that personality is exclusively a loner who likes to kill skeletons all day long.
  8. I concur. Though, I don't have full exposure to all of their franchises, the ones I'm familiar with are not RPGs. What I'm going to do is contest any attempt at grouping them together with companies that make actual RPGs. Turn-based, isometric 2d engines? Meta, things like complete sentences help in communicating. By any chance are you schizophrenic?
  9. I concur. Though, I don't have full exposure to all of their franchises, the ones I'm familiar with are not RPGs. What I'm going to do is contest any attempt at grouping them together with companies that make actual RPGs.
  10. I contest any claim that Bethesda makes RPGs. They're far closer to Diablo than Baldur's Gate.
  11. Go Bethesda!
  12. BUT, they do say good things about Tabula Rasa: Also, anyone played the new (and only) DirectX10 game: Lost Planet? It's not that new. Been out for the 360 for a while. I played the demo and it still seemed to think it was on the 360. It's an arcade game, more or less. Well, emphasis on more. It actually goes so far as to have a time mechanic like those that used to encourage you to keep pumping in quarters at the arcade only it's not quite as demanding. It's not simply arcade-y, I would swear it was built for a cabinet before they realized that arcades are dead (at least in the US).
  13. Black Isle has been gone since 2003. Black Isle doesn't exist anymore to create games.
  14. Tale


    There are rules against me reproducing. :sad: Part of the Geneva convention, if I recall.
  15. http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html
  16. But if it was a good game and you agreed with the direction they took it, and it was a major milestone in CRPG's, wouldn't you consider supporting them? This is Bethesda. What are the chances of that happening? Next to nil I say. I just have to accept that the gaming industry has changed and there will no longer be any games that I consider fun released any more. Time to retire the keyboard and mouse, Blank. Can you do it before the next page starts?
  17. What do "in-game graphics" (LadyCrimson) have to do with "gameplay" (Sand)?
  18. In-engine means it very well could be in game.
  19. The amount of shooting in Oblivion is rather insignificant. If the bow and arrow had significantly more prominence, than YES, without a shadow of a doubt. Maybe it can even qualify as one currently for those who focus on the bow as their weapon.
  20. Winona Ryder 1. Ron Perlman was a voice actor in Afro Samurai with Samuel L. Jackson 2. Samuel L. Jackson was in Black Snake Moan with Christina Ricci 3. Christina Ricci was in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with Johnny Depp 4. Johnny Depp was in Edward Scissorhands with Winona Ryder Or, y'know 1. Alien Resurrection
  21. This thread is now about the 6 degrees of Ron Perlman. Go.
  22. Don't feel so bad, now that you have me thinking about it I have absolutely no clue where my N64 games are. This requires investigation! Found my N64 Games! Bad news: They were in the garage. Good news: They were with my gameboy games. More good news: I tested a game boy game and it works despite the couple years of Texas heat. So, hopefully they all work! Further good news: Found the Dreamcast, too! Hopefully it works. Final good news: Shenmue just loaded up! IT'S ALIVE!
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