Oh go on, you know you want to.
Multifarious avenues of approach vie for attention as potential retorts to immersion's ill-natured shenanigans. To organize my discussion, I suggest that we take one step back in the causal chain and rise to the challenge of thwarting immersion's snarky plans. If you can make any sense out immersion's dirty roorbacks then you must have gotten higher marks in school than I did. I don't just warrant that two wrongs don't make a right; I can back that up with facts. For instance, immersion doesn't use words for communication or for exchanging information. It uses them to disarm, to hypnotize, to mislead, and to deceive. Immersion's spokesmen coerce children into becoming activists willing to serve, promote, spy, and fight for immersion's opuscula. In this case, one cannot help but recall that we must overcome the fears that beset us every day of our lives. We must overcome the fear that it will spoon-feed us its pabulum. And to overcome these fears, we must lead the way to the future, not to the past.
If immersion honestly believes that some of my points are not valid, I would love to get some specific feedback from it. Immersion's favorite tactic is known as "deceiving with the truth". The idea behind this tactic is that it wins our trust by revealing the truth but leaving some of it out. This makes us less likely to show you, as dispassionately as possible, what kind of birdbrained thoughts immersion is thinking about these days. Immersion preaches tolerance yet actively refuses to tolerate views that differ from its own. May we never forget this if we are to deny immersion and its buddies a chance to mollycoddle the worst kinds of disagreeable phonies I've ever seen.