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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I tried to watch Transformers yesterday. Watching HD shows and such on my PC monitor has spoiled me. Watching a SD movie on my TV, I'm just not sure if it can cut it anymore. I still have details from seeing the movie at theatres in my head, so watching it at home on my TV makes it just seem bland.
  2. edit: Nevermind, after reading both your posts, I think I agree with you on your description. Although not the opinion.
  3. Played the Turok demo yesterday. The short: SUCKS The long: Control is pretty terrible. There's not even slight auto-aim, but that's not always necessary in console FPS games. However, when your enemies are fast, constantly moving, and use ambush tactics it is indeed necessary. You can't snap to a target with an analog stick. Against relatively fast and moving targets, you're just shooting around them most of the time. So, I spent 2/3rd of my combat time in that demo on my back tossed down by the raptors. The humanoid enemies are almost as bad, once they see you anyway. On an SD screen (I don't know if it's also true of HD screens), you will miss important area details, suck as vines you can climb or paths you can follow. I was stuck in one area running in circles for 30 minutes because I couldn't see a vine I could climb until I looked straight at it.
  4. Wait, so you thought the movie's was good compared to the book? No. My research pertained to the book and I (wrongly) extrapolated that onto the movie.
  5. Good game, although I have no idea what happened to my copy :digs around and finally gives up:... Good game. Commercial failure. We'll never get to see a sequel. :'(
  6. Damn you Gromnir, I find your reasoning entirely agreeable. That's not so common.
  7. I finally made time to beat Katamari Damacy. Yeah, I don't think I'll be getting any of the sequels. Way too kitsch.
  8. Ahh, Raven Shield. If only my computer hadn't started freezing whenever I entered planning mode...
  9. I've heard the lack of that option specifically mentioned by players.
  10. Krauts? What are you talking about? Invisible War was made by the same developers. In Texas.
  11. I wasn't a big fan of the second Soul Reaver, either. But the first Soul Reaver and Defiance are still among my favorite games. Edit: Ouch at that wiki article. Easier?! I remember a section of the game where you were fighting demons in the spectral realm nonstop with nothing to regain health yet the enemies could only be hurt if you were at full health! God, I hated that section.
  12. Legacy of Kain (with a K). Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen (the original) Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 Legacy of Kain: Defiance None of which featured people with spiky hair. And the first one of the sequels received "universal acclaim." http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/...q=soul%20reaver So, I'm at a loss about this "poor" game with a spiky haired descendant. Are you even talking about the right franchise?
  13. They've had 4 sequels. And the team that did those (minus a few key players regrettably) are the same ones who made the surprisingly good Tomb Raider Legend.
  14. I hadn't read the book, but I did some quick research on why he's a legend courtesy of wikipedia and it made the movie seem like it had an interesting premise.
  15. Vibroblades were inserted in the first Kotor game to be used to fight with swords as an alternative or prelude to lightsabers. Carth's explanation was just an in-setting justification for the fact that military tech developed essentially backwards. Personal shields are also out of place in Star Wars. And it's easy to create an in-setting justification for their removal too. New blasters ignored them or they're trivial compared to new blasters, so they become discarded as useless. I'm with Starwars. Here's to hoping a KOTOR III looks more like Star Wars and less like D&D.
  16. There's always a possibility of that down the line. "A slight graphics upgrade" could mean as little as higher res sources for textures.
  17. Surfer Girl has a new batch of rumors up. Included is a rumor that Square Enix is the company to do remakes for the PSN. However, they're not full remakes, they're mostly just graphical touch upsIf . If true, PS3 owners could be looking at Final Fantasy VII over PSN with some slight graphical upgrades. Curious as to what those upgrades could entail.
  18. Screw Tomb Raider, WHAT ABOUT LEGACY OF KAIN?!11
  19. I have it from a good source that Orland Bloom actually has manboobs. They use a body double for his movies.

  20. I'm with neutral, it felt like a completely different movie.
  21. Still pining for Metal Gear Solid 4. Ryan Payton promised he'd ask about revealing some big news they were holding back if the Packers won over the weekend. Well, they did. So here's hoping he got the okay to reveal it. We should find out with the next Kojima Productions podcast on Thursday.
  22. Then how the heck did I find it? Because I got all the pieces.
  23. Been kicking butt at Super Stardust HD. Just unlocked hard mode.
  24. It is available on Steam, however. Maybe not in your region.
  25. I have no problem noticing things since I use the key to highlight objects I can interact with every 3-5 seconds.
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