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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Where? Upon further review, wiki states that East Indians are a specific sub-group of indians from India. You were right on both accounts. East Indian has been used for many things. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indies
  2. Playing this reminds me just how poorly suited to 3D graphics the PSOne was. I've got 3D DS games that look better than this!
  3. Can't be any freakier than the hospital in 2.
  4. Silent Hill Have had it for 6 years (was given it by a friend who had two copies) and never got around to playing it seriously. I got just passed the opening, got too anxious, and stopped.
  5. Beat Shadow Hearts FINALLY. The last boss took forever.
  6. Political correctness is an outgroup issue. "How do I refer to them" (outgroup) as opposed to "how do I refer to us" (ingroup).
  7. You have to be PC to be an Indian? Outgroup meet ingroup. Not a matter of political correctedness, however if you're a Cherokee you'll identify yourself as Cherokee before you say "I'm an Indian." To call yourself Indian implies your knowledge of the group comes from a source other than the group itself. Or so I would presume.
  8. Anyone who calls them "Indian" isn't one.
  9. I beat Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops yesterday. Very interesting insights into the formation of both the Patriots and Foxhound.
  10. I'm surrounded!
  11. Yeah, I keep hearing it's on easy too. Though supposedly DMC4 isn't as hard as DMC3, it's still supposed to be hard.
  12. Played the demo. Was not overly impressed. I was kind of expecting more BALLS TO THE WALL! as it were. But, I'm okay with what I saw enough to keep my CE pre-order with Amazon. Now if only I could figure out how to defeat that boss.
  13. I spent today following up on the cyber war. Interesting revelations and speeches. Not participating, for the record, just spectating.
  14. What's this "soon"? Is out.
  15. Okay, I just need everyone like Pid and Kirottu to give me their names and addresses. You must be stopped!
  16. I think they've caught Molyneuxsis.
  17. That is a bit of obsessive/compulsive behavior... but I do exactly the same thing! It's only obsessive compulsive if you fear irrational bad things occuring if you don't. My fears are totally rational.
  18. Just finished Gears of War for the PC. Aside from the glitchy AI, the lack of variety, and story pieces/conversations that refused to work properly half the time (and by properly, I mean so I could hear them, including the damned end movie which played without sound), it was a pretty fine game.
  19. He's even more powerful in MotB. There was a pseudo boss battle I beat in two moves. 1) Vitriolic Doom 2) AoE Devour
  20. Dead Zone does have story arcs, but the majority of it focuses on self-contained stories with arc drama in the background.
  21. If you count team deathmatch as co-op deathmatch, yes, so far it is!
  22. It doesn't have co-op, of course you're not going to touch it.
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