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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Us bots are getting quite complex and sophisticated.
  2. I think there's two is in "indisputable"
  3. Did you ever watch X-Files?
  4. Know what would be awesome? An Armored Core MMO.
  5. Armored Core? Man, I haven't played one of those since 2 Edit: apparently not Armored Core, because they're only up to 4.
  6. I've gone on walks to local shopping centers that would take me across some European countries.
  7. Or the coveted "Halo." I had to stop to take a breath with that one.
  8. "January eight things" means they're items posted on January 8th.
  9. What are you babbling about? Nobody's claiming they'll use it for games. Just like the HD-DVD player isn't used for games.
  10. That's what Microsoft says.
  11. Jesus Christ. I know that's a recurring theme in fantasy. But couldn't they try to only use it incidentally? Explicitly going for that... oh dear. Dragon Age is for hippies. Confirmed.
  12. Man the Star Wars prequel trilogy would have made an awesome RPG.
  13. The Dark Brotherhood. That sounds like it could be from Obsidian!
  14. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga I'm a sucker for this. It's not challenging, it's not all that engrossing, or exciting. But it makes me smile.
  15. I think the series' problem arises from different desires between the producers and the viewers. They've stated they wanted to make it very "episodic." IE, each episode a self contained story. We see a lot of that when the viewership starts dropping down. The series gets into these dramatic character stories that are self-contained and don't propel the overall arch or series along. This is what the producers wanted for the show. This doesn't seem to be what the viewers want. They want Galactic and the Cylons. They want that particular story to grow and change.
  16. I think you have a slightly unreasonable expectation. It's not really "forced" for a town to whip of a religious fervor and lynch someone. It's far more silly to have one guy who's a stranger to the town talk them out of it. You can't expect one man to eliminate racial tensions. Resolutions where a player comes along and says "can't we all get along" and the people live happily ever after are almost always drastically more forced. People don't work that way. Hatred doesn't work that way. Ignorance doesn't work that way. To make it work that way, you have to force it.
  17. I want to hit your mom at the peak of her popularity.
  18. I'd be interested, but you're supposedly done. I'm an absolutely astounding liar. And I wish I was british. I was born for something like this.
  19. Microsoft never seemed to fully back HD DVD. They're trying to push online delivery. And have supposedly said they'll support whichever format wins. (which means a potential Blu-Ray player in the future) They probably backed HD DVD as just a semi-default option since it uses their HDi.
  20. Blade Runner is my first Blu-Ray purchase. And I own a DVD of Final Cut as well. It's also one of the earliest movies I remember watching.
  21. http://kotaku.com/341323/microsoft-furious...n+a+360-chatter Microsoft is mad* at you for your rumor mongering. *not mad
  22. I decided to blow money I don't particularly have and bought Hotel Dusk: Room 215 My now playing list is: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (DS) Killer 7 (Gamecube) Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3) Gears of War (PC) *on hiatus* Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (PSP) Hmm, I have nothing in my PS2.
  23. Have I mentioned Futurama: Bender's Big Score? Futurama's back, baby! And it's as good as ever.
  24. Which reminds me that I need to try to trade my copy of Motorstorm in.
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