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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Silly? It's awesome! A reasonable introduction that eliminates a previously believed weakness.
  2. My stupid cat won't let me play Daxter. I wish he'd get a job.
  3. Hopefully you have some upgrades to Aard which make it stun. You can kill in one-hit a stunned enemy.
  4. You'll have both the steel and silver sword. Oils and whet/grindstones are temporary bonuses. You can't even improve the sword with anything permanent until the next act.
  5. If Death Note is your introduction, my guess is you're more interested in drama or thrillers. I would easily recommend Monster to you. It's basically an animated Fugitive.
  6. Honestly, is there a game or engine out there you currently like?
  7. Please please please please please let me have made the list. I've tried so hard this year.
  8. I like to think that Shryke is a bit like me. A habitual liar. Have I ever told you guys about my second wife I have in another state? She's hot.
  9. Gears of War is tons of fun for their cover system. I doubt it would have received any significant attention if it had lacked it. Actually, the co-op probably contributed quite a bit to it as well.
  10. Avert your eyes Omelette. It's not for the faint.

  11. That explains why Tigers have been seen playing with bronzework.
  12. I'm regularly watching Gundam 00, Bleach, and Monster. About halfway through Monster. I read quite a few comparisons between Gundam 00 and Gundam wing and I think it was fair early on, but can't support that anymore. It's become a little too integrated into the motives and pasts of the individual characters. I loved Wing, but it didn't particularly explore the pasts of the pilots. This one seems to be doing that quite a bit. Though it definitely shares the resemblence of a small group of pilots with super powerful suits just laying waste to entire armies.
  13. You know, the developer (Legend Entertainment) was shut down after Unreal 2 was released. The scattered team still finished the MP mode on their own private time...I think they deserve some credit for that at least. The MP mode wasn't made on private time. I eta tested the thing through ATARI. Had a particularly interesting bug, but that's beside my point. My point is the MP mode came through the official channels. Legend shut down a year after XMP came out.
  14. Bite your tongue. I'm a member of a cult fanbase that numbers Unreal II among the top singleplayer FPS experiences of all time. Such a bittersweet ending. *sniffle*
  15. AVP-R Incredible. The female lead and her daughter made very good Ripley and Newt impersonations. If she'd been white with curly hair, I would have mistaken her for Sigourney Weaver. And it introduces a very nice new alien technique.
  16. I just beat Jak 3. So, this is the second series which I played all three games through straight. Xenosaga, now this. And I still have Daxter to play on the PSP. Overall, I'm wanting more of gameplay like this, so I may use some christmas money to get the Ratchet & Clank games.
  17. Another Jak (& Daxter). Insomniac made a PS3 installment of Ratchet & Clank, hopefully Naughty Dog can make one for Jak.
  18. Jak 3 now. Or I was, but I own a cat.
  19. Jak II just got really incredible towards the end. The game takes some things from Grand Theft Auto but now
  20. I know Elistrae is still there, make sure you're not trying to pick a deity that is restricted by class, alignment, or race.
  21. Sweet, I got a pony!

  22. Does it feature the mass slaughter of many Hobbits? That's at the end of the Return of the King - although they did not include that battle in the movie... WRRRRRRRRRRRRY!
  23. They thought you were ugly and just wanted to be friends.
  24. I would agree that it's not an RPG, however most major game websites and Nintendo themselves disagree. So, in light of common perception...
  25. That's right, release it two days after I beat the game. GOOD JOB! ***** sons of **** ***in mother ****ers
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