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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Beat Heavy Rain today. I can recommend. And am alternating between a newly arrived DVD copy of Planescape Torment and Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth.
  2. Bah, it's same as before... My wow casual ex-guild already killed 10 out of 14 bosses in Ulduar25... 2 weeks after they released it... i am so glad that i have quit the game... it's absolute EZ mode :S I'm sure you guys were right on track to have Algalon on farm for week 3.
  3. Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars for the DS. Mas bueno.
  4. I actually liked Butcher Bay more than Dark Athena, but Dark Athena was good. DA had too many forced fights and not enough interesting little gimmick sequences. And that entire sequence around the gravity generator was annoying as heck.
  5. Because you're the prototype for the others! Which is a fascinating idea, really. It would make the character potentially more human, if you assume they devolved into what we saw in Bioshock 1. Maybe.
  6. Much wisdom in this one.
  7. Still haven't finished X3: Terran Conflict, Persona 4, STALKER Clear Sky, Resident Evil 5, or Street Fight IV. Will soon, though.
  8. Seriously, I'm going to go take a nap. Wake me up when this movie is having early midnight premiers.
  9. This is my movie to see this year. If the third trailer had come out before Watchmen hit theatres, it would have overshadowed my Watchmen anticipation. I can not stop rewatching Trailers 2 and 3. I can't. And "James T. Kirk was a great man. But that was another life." won't stop repeating in my head.
  10. Debating on playing Halo Wars. I got my sixth copy in today. I guess I should open one. hah
  11. they've cut the amount of XP to get to 60 twice (I think by 30% both times but I'm not sure) and the amount to get to 70 once (again, 30%) you accelerate up the levels so fast you won't have enough gold to get all your skills, much less your professions up. Nonsense. Gold is insane now. I have 330 gold in the bank. I blew 100 gold two days ago on Glyphs. I had 330 gold before then. So, what did I make in two days? Selling junk you find and quest rewards is enough for your skills. Get a gathering profession and that'll be pure profit. well, my 30 Paladin (be on Bronzebeard) I had to shift money to to keep her getting her skills. now my gold may just start skyrocketing when I hit 40 but I'm trying to level jewelcrafting (but am thinking I should just leave that for 80) and mining Trying to level a crafting profession has always drained your gold. It's why my Gnome was so bloody poor. And my Undead.
  12. they've cut the amount of XP to get to 60 twice (I think by 30% both times but I'm not sure) and the amount to get to 70 once (again, 30%) you accelerate up the levels so fast you won't have enough gold to get all your skills, much less your professions up. Nonsense. Gold is insane now. I have 330 gold in the bank. I blew 100 gold two days ago on Glyphs. I had 330 gold before then. So, what did I make in two days? Selling junk you find and quest rewards is enough for your skills. Get a gathering profession and that'll be pure profit.
  13. I only play Warlocks.
  14. I just checked your population stats. Very nice!
  15. Because she is a zombie. She died 20 years ago.
  16. It's taken me two weeks to hit level 43. Things have changed a lot since the olden days.
  17. If you want me in Northrend, you have to help me PL, keke.
  18. I'm about to transfer my new main over to a PvE server. Just got to find one with a good connection and Horde pop.
  19. I really don't think they're doing it for the ending. The ending of the game was a lead-in to the next game. The epilogue is just an excuse to throw some more gameplay out.
  20. Playing WoW again. Bought the xpacs and everything.
  21. Enemies weren't that aggressive in FEAR. They generally parked themselves behind cover if they weren't in one of the larger arenas where they'll roam around. And there's maybe 2 or 3 of those areas. I can't think of the number of times that I was able to just bounce grenades around corners to finish those guys.
  22. My experiences with 4e have taught me that most of the design for PnP RPGs is blatantly archaic and the players are too blind to realize it. Case in point is a particularly stupid houserule that I experienced in my 4e game. Critical failures. No matter whatever you do, you have a 5% chance of flailing about like a complete idiot. It's archaic, it's stupid, yet a number of PnP players seem to love it. And what's worse is that numerous PnP games have nonsense like that in their core rules. Even if it's just toned down to "you're not flailing like an idiot, but you are useless right now, so go get a soda and watch some TV." Makes me appreciate the structured design of 4e all the more. Where they're not just tacking on every little silly rule they can get a hold of.
  23. Interestingly, when it diverted from space battles is when it got its time slot moved and rumors started floating around about the series being cancelled early. The character driven soap opera junk nearly killed the series. They feel like filler. Which, considering most of season 2.5 and 3 were that.
  24. They did the first one that they did Of course they did the first one they did. But they also made the most recent one off the Requiem movie license.
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