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Everything posted by Tale

  1. The DLC answer is scary. The DLC was basically terrible and the only thing they got out of it was that "players wanted to play their warden."
  2. Tale


    They have a Gothic Bundle today. I bought Gothic 2 and hear that both 3 and 4 suck, so I feel like I already got what I would want from it. Anyone actually like 3 and 4? Or prefer them to 2? Disciples III and Polynomial look nice. Any Aion fans?
  3. Why do DA2 previews inevitably have to be as derogatory of DAO as possible? For a guy that loves DAO, it's kind of a turn off that all previews behave negatively towards my interests. It was far from perfect, but that didn't make it inappreciable. I think I know the answer to the question, so followup isn't really necessary.
  4. Tale


    I hope Crysis goes on a better sale later. The sequel has my interested piqued, but not $20+ piqued.
  5. Tale


    I'll be getting FEAR and Oddbox when I get home. I already own most of what else I wanted from previous sales. hah
  6. It is not Amnesia, but it's from the same developer. Penumbra, specifically Overture, the first one. http://store.steampowered.com/app/22180/ But I can recommend all three.
  7. My 80 is still doing Vash'jir and Archeology. I think I'm on the last Vash'jir zone.
  8. I'm talking about the plunger, dynamite, happyface. Looks like the Town in a Box.
  9. Town in a box?
  10. Mentioned in the What you did today thread. Saw Tron Legacy. Excellent.
  11. Saw Tron Legacy. Ultimately ended up paying $42 dollars (two $16 tickets, $10 food) for IMAX 3D. Movie of the year.
  12. Phoenix is the name of a Protoss air unit. Maybe an air combat game.
  13. Rolled my Gnome last night. The new Gnome start is excellent. He brought me a lot of nostalgia to my old vanilla main. *sniffle*
  14. Did you use poisons and enchantments? Poisons are cumbersome to use against every single bandit you come across. No to echantments, since I was levelling an Assassin, not a mage.
  15. If being against the kidnapping and torturing of innocent German citizens is being against the people, I might be okay with that. Of course, being that I am part of "the people" does that mean I'm against myself?
  16. Was Fallout 3 DLC ever patched? Because Fawkes is still invincible.
  17. I don't mind level scaling. I mind bad level scaling. The levelling system of Oblivion is a very complicated thing. There's absolutely no way to assume what has advanced in a player level to level. But they still pumped up HP and damage for enemies anyway. As a stealth specialist, stealth is what would be the vast majority of my levelling. This only helps so far. I could sneak up on enemies in Oblivion, but all I'd get is the sneak attack. Then creamed. My sword and armor didn't go up nearly enough each level to manage. And then after a while, it'd be manageable again. After I grind out sword and armor. Until late game, where my stealth became so high they wouldn't detect me even after the sneak attack. But it still took 7 or 8 max multiplier sneak attacks to kill a light armored bandit. There was no intelligence to the scaling. If you're aiming to make an experience that provides dynamic challenges in response to player advancement, you need to pay attention to the details of player advancement. Sin Episodes: Emergence taught me that, despite it's bug. If the player had too much ammo, it dropped less ammo. If the player had too much health, it dropped less health.
  18. Ehh, I didn't really have any expectations. But I'm not a regular WoW player. I haven't played in over a year before this. The old world revamp is simply incredible. It's like Wrath questing, but everywhere. Which is why I'm determined to see every last bit of it. And I've barely touched actual expansion content. Worgen are cool. I love that they don't need a mount. Goblins are fantastic, best starter stuff in the entire game, being able to call the bank out in the field is immensely useful.
  19. Don't forget to eat and sleep. I don't know what part of that sounded like it required a lot of time per day.
  20. Advent Rising Alpha Protocol Fable 2 Off the top of my head. Sure there's tons more.
  21. The new old world content combined with faster levelling has given me an alt problem. I rolled a human yesterday. I'm going to do a troll today. A Gnome Thursday. Undead on Friday. Guess the class. The plan is to play the lowest level alt each day of the week, then the 80+ main on weekends. Up until 60, then the Worgen goes on to Outland and Northrend alone. Because I never saw that from the Alliance side. Let's see if I stick to it.
  22. Security probably could have handled the roaches if they weren't too busy beating up and shooting their own people. Radroaches are killing people! Hurry lets pound on Jonas! That'll fix things.
  23. Ooh, what's Titan?
  24. Given how much effort the old world revamp must have taken, it definitely seems they plan on the game lasting a bit longer. This is a quite different game than at launch.
  25. The revamped old world zones are bloody incredible. I spent way too much time yesterday doing quests I only get piddly XP for. I thought I'd miss old Silverpine, killing X amount of Worgen. But I instead killed X amount of Gilneas Liberation Front Worgen and lead commando raids against Hillsbrad refugees and Gilneas itself. This was after doing Azshara, which has been converted into a very good Goblin 10-20 zone. I don't think Alliance got a new 10-20.
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