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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Oh, and as for what I'm playing. I finished Dead Space Ignition last night in preparation for Dead Space 2. Apparently it unlocks a suit. But here's the thing. After playing it, I'm not sure I want Dead Space's humanity to survive. I don't think they're worthy. Unleash the necromorphs on earth, I say. Seriously, #@@#% that ending.
  2. Speculation? Based on the EA's past history? Or was this stated somewhere? The EA boss himself stated in an interview that he's anticipating around 2 million subs. Yeah... But the second half of that is your personal speculation? Not dismissing you, just wondering where you're coming from to make that statement.
  3. Speculation? Based on the EA's past history? Or was this stated somewhere?
  4. When I think of Fallout 3, I'm always reminded of the Overlords and Albino Radscorpions. I can only hope that they don't botch Skyrim leveling so badly that the only way they can challenge players is by ignoring armor and having more health than god.
  5. Red Faction Guerilla is a good game. I got a free copy for purchasing Darksiders. It was great.
  6. I didn't say they had fencing, but they were definitely different. They had different effects, knockbacks, disarms, power attacks. It's not a technically anything.
  7. ehh? Oblivion had variation to the melee? iirc, it was chop and kill. Each direction you had did a different attack. Holding back could cause a knockdown. There was another that could disarm. Maybe another that could break through a block, I don't remember specifics. But the general thing was that it wasn't just chop. You had moves.
  8. Dead Space 2 should arrive tomorrow. SQUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe Also Magicka is coming out. Anyone else interested in it? Seems like it would be fun co-op.
  9. If they fix level scaling, I'll wear fanboy with pride. Until then, I skeptical.
  10. That is EXACTLY what I was wanting them to do with spells. Take the variability they had for melee combat and apply it to magic. Absolutely hated one-note spells. Excellent. I mean exactly.
  11. Not Found: Resource Not Found Not your fault. It does this off their front page link to the article, too.
  12. Seems way too speculative. While I have no particular optimism about TOR, I think speculating on the activities of people with no genuine insight kind of crosses a line of reasonableness.
  13. Actually ignition is them giving you a key to download it. I've had ignition a few weeks for pre-ordering DS2. Can't wait for Extraction, that's why I'm glad I'm following this franchise on PS3.
  14. Wait, what?
  15. I hope that they don't restrict the armor to the same platform as Dead Space 2 ownership. That would make me sad.
  16. Shadow Broker was good even if Liara hadn't been present. I can't stand her and I liked it.
  17. I just find it weird that Western RPGs tend to be turning into 90s era Japanese RPGs. Defined characters, minimal choice, lots of cutscenes. But hey, at least the hair isn't spikey! I can't really complain, I liked 90s Japanese RPGs.
  18. Yeah, everyone knows the dog was the most boring.
  19. Shivering? No, I'm right. It's Bethesda who is wrong.
  20. I didn't think Shattering Isles was very generic.
  21. Firewalker is free, anyway.
  22. Shale was great. If they make more Zaeeds, they can keep it.
  23. I thought NPC faces always looked pretty good for their time. But I want to stab the slider system in the eye.
  24. Yes, it's a way to get people to pay more. But the contention is whether or not they're delivering you less in the initial offering to make you pay for the more. I'd argue that if they hadn't had the team working on DLC, they would have been working on a different game or simply not employed. It's not cutting stuff out.
  25. And he said simultaneous. EA doesn't typically hold games back like that.
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