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Everything posted by Tale

  1. And I find that pirating something, you can end up trying to justify your piracy rather than being honest. Which lends to the speciousness of the entire argument. Fair.
  2. Well, if no game dismissed by a forum member was worth playing, none of us would be doing any gaming at all. That's why listening to only me shows wisdom.
  3. I actually don't know if it's good or not. Take my commentary as heresay. Someone linked a review earlier. Or maybe it was another forum member who discussed it. One or the other.
  4. I expect an update in a couple of hours from you consisting of little more than swearing and profanities directed at your deity of choice.
  5. Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that Matriarch.
  6. If I do, no way am I posting it here. While funny for the supposed irony (no way is the scene actually that, right?), it would be crass.
  7. I could just see that being the scene. Hawke: Why do you make me hit you? I should photoshop that subtitle in.
  8. The disturbing element for me in that last image is her eyes look like bruises. Not just around the eyes, but there's some serious irritation/inflamation of the eye itself.
  9. She was a Quarian Admiral in Mass Effect 2. And she'll be doing the female lead in Gears of War 3.
  10. I like to think I've got the "creepy internet guy" thing going on. And I'm pretty good at it. But those threads on Bioware social dedicated to characters? They frighten even me.
  11. I've found the consistently good Bioware dialogues to be the humorous/sarcastic ones. Other than that, it helps to have a good voice actor. I don't think any of the other VAs they used could have made Morrigan's dialogue half as interesting as Claudia Black did.
  12. I've always thought of you as a bit of a sad bum, Archie.
  13. I'll confirm you! How about the fact that the teams are already established?
  14. http://www.livestream.com/electronicarts/v...medium=ui-thumb This is the livestream they had. I'm really liking what I see. And it confirms that fading buffs is just so you don't look like a 'disco ball' outside of combat. Edit: lol at the blood stains. People chatting it up covered in gore, still as awkward as ever.
  15. Now I skeered. is that like a geekasm? No, it's like being scared, but so scared you revert to a 5 year old who can't say scared correctly.
  16. 15 minute speed run is pretty non-indicative. They use various exploits bypass large sections.
  17. Finished my DAO run. All set for DA2. Doing a ME1 run just so I can finally have a decent ME2 import for the eventual ME3. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  18. Now I skeered.
  19. So I just found out that Sebastian Vael is voiced by Alec Newman. My favorite portrayal of Paul Atreides. I guess I know who my party's Rogue will be.
  20. There's also the fact that I had four spells that did overly similar things. The Battlemage 2nd spell, Mass Paralysis, Mind Blast, and Blood Wound. Heck, once I got the second Battlemage spell, Miasma became unnecessary as well. Tightening that up is the thing I look forward to the most.
  21. *looks up greebled*
  22. I'm hoping "fade" just means visual effect. (walking around with the improved Arcane Armor in Awakening is obnoxious when dialogue pops up) Not that you have to rebuff. If you do have to rebuff, I hope there aren't that many buffs, because that would be obnoxious.
  23. That's good to hear. Especially about talents mostly being upgrades. Hope that's true for mages, I assume so. One of my problems in DAO is that I end up with way too many spells as the levels go on. Though that mainly becomes a problem around Awakening.
  24. He does have his "I WANT YOUR BADGE!" "YOU CAN'T HAVE MY BADGE!" moments.
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