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Everything posted by Tale

  1. It's obviously Neverwinter Nights: Return of Mephasm.
  2. I not only can not support you on that, I might have to cut you.
  3. Sadly I think I have to join that crowd. I'm sorry, but when Valve uses the sandtrap type section again, I can't give them any credit. It was never fun. It needs to stop.
  4. Trying out PS3 demo now. For a supposedly console primary platform, the game is definitely superior on PC. Not just graphics, which may be specifically lackluster on the PS3, but controls. Having to pause to select any spell beyond three. It's too slow. Edit: I see now there's a toggle for the next three. 6 doesn't sound so bad. I like pause on AoE though. PC needs that feature. I'll try 360 demo tomorrow.
  5. C&C4 was an interesting concept. It would have been great as anything but C&C, maybe as a smaller budget experimental title. I like the concept.
  6. That counter just counts clicks of the download link. What they're actually going for is sign-ins of EA accounts. So other sites, torrents, and consoles aren't counted by that counter. They've probably already passed it.
  7. Anyone play Red Alert 3 - Uprising?
  8. You can rotate the camera with the mouse.
  9. Bethany isn't dead enough. I've heard of that happening, her popping up and down during/after cutscenes. Never paid attention to it, myself.
  10. It feels like something I might have seen for a mage in Arcanum. Love the hair.
  11. I'm not talking about effete or otherworldly. I'm talking about white hair and prominently covered in tattoos. The visual design, not his character concept. Though the old Zevran certainly seems more tribal than Fenris.
  12. I feel that old Zevran art probably ended up leaking into Fenris. Intentionally or not.
  13. http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=D...024&bih=705 A few here, apparently mixed with some non-DAO art. Wynne looks more distinctly upper class. Alistair is the guy with a longsword and looks quite heroic. This is Zevran. Leliana The entire party at one point or another.
  14. The older concept arts for DAO are simply brilliant. I kind of wish they'd stayed with that. I can't look through the art section of my collector's strategy guide and not feel like I missed out.
  15. It's hard to tell what's design and what's bugged in the demo. I mentioned it in your thread on Bioware Social, but I was having survivability issues with Carver. Until I put a single point in cunning for him. His defense jumps from 5% to 50%. Absurd.
  16. Missing the point, though. It's no stretch to come up with equal feats for swords that are every bit as fantastic and powerful as fire from nothing.
  17. Is that from the demo? The link seems to claim so, but that location is not in. Edit: Unless that's Hightown Night set for more light somehow. Edit2: Ah, that is the full version.
  18. Why use a 100% ineffective lock ? No lock will stop them if they really want in. They'll break a window. Heck, I could bust open a deadbolt when I was 16.
  19. Hot I mean, what a bunch of sickos!
  20. You have an account on a game developer's forum. I recognize you. You're a hardcore gamer.
  21. That reminds me of another annoyance. Auto-attacks are full fledged attacks. Half the time I press a button for a special attack it does not happen because an auto-attack is occuring. VERY annoying.
  22. I loved Hunter!
  23. DA2 only has FF on Nightmare, period.
  24. I play lots of games only once. Especially the poorly paced ones (lets front load all the boring stuff, YEAH) or the ones that merely aren't that good. There's no sense replaying a game if it's not worth the time to replay it.
  25. DAO did recognize new skills, assuming you weren't using a custom set. However, and hopefully this is because they forked the demo out before they did much with tactics, the tactics setup is stupid and half ignored. Surrounded by 2 or more enemies apparently means "the second combat starts and they're across the map." And healing gets shoved to the bottom of damager tactics.
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