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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Does that mean I'll get my +stam items back? YAY
  2. Yeah, but when does Warlock tanking make a comback?
  3. Has the US actually made a request for extradition? I know they were looking in to see if they had any cause or right, but hadn't heard that they'd found anything.
  4. Why link Jim Sterling commentary and not the actual CVG article?
  5. Jensen is walking around with what looks to be a corporate label on his forehead. It's far more obvious than anything shades can conceal.
  6. I say dump her, then make up with her just after christmas.
  7. I'd call that a problem with criminal justice altogether. I'm kind of a fan of the notion of innocents not being in jail at all, let alone executed.
  8. Yeah, but which content is most interesting? The 80-85 or the new 1-60? I guess I'm thinking about doing 80-85 with my Blood Elf (Warlock), then doing a 1-85 as a Worgen (Warlock), then 1-60 again as a Goblin (Warlock) for the early Horde experience. hmmm
  9. Is the new low level content worth starting a new character? Or is probably best to just use a level 80?
  10. Almond Joys have nuts. Mounds don't. Because...
  11. They were thinking "it's the playstation." Then "it's the playstation 2." Those were realistic graphics for the time. Underworld is notably better looking than Legend and Anniversary before it.
  12. Right, ambiguity. If an immortal spirit from another dimension with a long history of influencing mortals is actively worshipped, it's a god. And if they talk to you personally, there's some special going on.
  13. There's plenty of drama in Angel of Darkness & Legend/Underworld. It's good they're going back to the lone adventuring from the pre-2000 titles. This is the thing I'm skeptical about. If they're doing a reboot, making note of her age, and facts like that, I'm inclined to believe they're doing anything but going back to and instead will just retread what Legend/Underworld did. But maybe you're right.
  14. I'd give it two or three. That's how long Wrath lasted for me, I expect the same. And with an update to Shadowfang Keep, AKA THE BEST DUNGEON IN THE GAME BELOW LEVEL 50, who knows! Unless they make it suck.
  15. You kind of get to hoping that Veronica heads East. I think she'd be happy that way.
  16. He probably lost as many to the Outcasts as he gained from recruiting locals. Though I guess that's baseless speculation. There's no real numbers presented anywhere.
  17. Not so much an embargo as a refusal to aid.
  18. I could use a Goblin Warlock... To go with my level 46 Undead Warlock, level 60 Gnome Warlock, and level 80 Blood Elf Warlock. Or should I do a Worgen Warlock? Y'know, to balance the sides a little. Should I just **** around with my BE Warlock to see all the changes? Serious question.
  19. I don't see how a civil war would have been created by default. Send a new elder escorted by a dozen loyal paladins. 'sorry to inform you the bos leadership has decided because of your infractions against the codex you are being relieved'. Either the DC elder would have to abide by the rule of law (which I get the impression he prob would if push came to shove) or as you state start a fight with the west coast bos. I don't think he would risk killing any more bos members to start a civil war. In the end he was trying to save the BoS not annex his faction and just doing what he thought was best being so far away from the main group. I didn't get the impression he has a chip on his shoulder and a axe to grind against the main faction on the west coast. Elder Lyons was not trying to help the Brotherhood survive. He took it as a moral imperative to help the people of the Wasteland. He wouldn't start a fight with the west coast, but he would be damned to stop protecting the people of the DC area. Some of his own men defected because of this and are actively hostile to him for it, including his former second in command. He's basically already in a small civil war over the isse.
  20. Was a joke against hardcore players anyway You're just mad because nobody wants a scrub like you for a raid. You should just accept that we're better than you.
  21. but it wouldn't hurt to add some depth and drama to her story, right? I mean, I've only played the original game, I liked it, but I never felt the need to try other titles. I dunno, do you think Mario needs to have a game that revolves around his tragic drinking problem? Drama is the new sex. Cheaply insert it into something and it's miraculously 'better.'
  22. Yes, there was some communication. They didn't replace him because they decided it wasn't worth it. I don't think the Brotherhood was exactly prepared for civil war.
  23. Rebooting Lara Croft makes about as much sense as rebooting Mario at this point. Though I guess if they're wanting to take it a dark and edgy direction, maybe it makes a little more sense. Still, she was never a character in need of a dramatic storied history. Just a vehicle for shooting at dinosaurs and raiding tombs.
  24. I always tended to believe it, given that you have a god helping you out. But I do like me some ambiguity.
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