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Everything posted by Tale

  1. The best setting for a Fallout game would be Dark Sun, in my ever so humble opinion. That slight troll out of the way. I don't really have this fascination with seeing new landmarks in rubble. I fancy the idea of following this larger developing narrative. I don't want to see New York. I want to see what the NCR does next. Or to see it transform into post-post-apocalypse. Where things start building up better. I want that narrative of seeing how Fallout 1 leads to Fallout 2 leads to Fallout New Vegas and even a bit of 3.
  2. Skeptical. RARE already did a mature title under Microsoft. It was a toned down version of a game they made for Nintendo. But that was before Gears of War sold like hotcakes.
  3. Sleeping Dragon Nico is best Nico.
  4. But as seen in the news item, the suits are "in-house". The whole question is just another example of idiotic gamer paranoia against big publishers (hint: the small ones want all your money, too - and your soul, if they can get away with it). Mob mentality will lash out at anything and blindly grope for things to blame. I envy sociologists sometimes. It all seems fascinating, if depressing. In general, if someone dislikes something, the highest profile coincident will be blamed. In keeping with the human tendency to see patterns everywhere, even if they have to make one up. Then the rationalization begins.
  5. I finally hit the titular city of Baldur's Gate. And am intimidated. They've got quests... in houses. I'm scared to break into houses! That never went well my first playthrough! And gave The Precursors a test drive. There's almost no sound!
  6. Where do you get that from? Looking at the pictures, I don't see support for that. You see Mitchell Scanlon (author of Descent of Angels) on 192. On 193, you see the title Mechanicum. So it was 192/193, which are different pages.
  7. I had another impulse buy. Precursors at $15 from GamersGate. Looks interesting and ambitious. Only complaints I hear are lack of polish, bugs, and bad translation. Anyone have opinions to share while I download?
  8. Baldur's Gate, whee. Even managed to snag Viconia at level 1. She's level 2, of course. Those Black Talon Elites are tough. Firing like 4 shots in a single attack for 4-5 damage each. It's all about savescumming and getting around them.
  9. I've had misprints of stuff that did that a couple of times. I remember when I was young, I was a big fan of some disney minimag. Had a subscription for years. One issue came... and the second half of it was the first half reprinted upside down.
  10. Kind of struggling to keep playing Drakensang: The River of Time. This might be because it's competing with a darn good book. Edit: Couldn't resist. Installed Baldur's Gate, set up tutu, and unfinished business.
  11. Tale


    Not useless at all. Thank you, Malcador. I'll be looking through the recommendations and maybe updating my Amazon wishlist.
  12. Divided forums isn't simply about organizing new posts. Should someone have to search through three pages for a technical problem that might have been on the first page of the tech issues forum? Not that I'm stating the official reason the forums are organized this way. But it's the value I see in it.
  13. Yeah, but the idiotic platformer was still a rarity. The Mako was required for just about every single side mission in the game and for longer stretches of time. I'd say that planet exploration with the mako is nearly, or maybe even in excess of, half the content to be found in a full run of ME1.
  14. I tend to run against the bandwagon, I think. I might even be considered contradictory, sometimes. I mean, I like Dragon Age 2. But the Mako is worse than the bandwagon claims. It's awful. I'm still waiting for the UN to hear my petition to have it declared a crime against humanity.
  15. Well, TOR pretty much confirms that Visas Marr helped rebuild the Jedi order. So you are right, they aren't ignoring it. http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/inhabitants/miraluka
  16. Looks really good to me. There's not remotely enough futuristic shooters. The only decent ones are Halo and Mass Effect. Mass Effect completely ignoring the futurist themes for fantasy in space. And Deus Ex, but it's kind of hard to count that with how infrequently it comes around.
  17. Bioware's old forums used to retain your CD-key information if you registered it there. I don't know if they ever purged that particular database since they don't really use it anymore.
  18. They seemed to do increased damage. Or instant kills.
  19. Yes, it did. I used it pretty much all of the time. It kind of stunk when you fought more than one at a time, still, because you could only parry the guy you're targeted.
  20. My boss is considering Chapter 11 restructuring. ugh I think the key consideration for him is if he can do it without losing his swampland investment. (not literal swampland, just a worthless piece of land he'll never be able to do anything with)
  21. Pre-order DLCs are up for sale now. I heard a report of it on the 360 earlier. Showing up on Steam now. http://store.steampowered.com/app/28060/
  22. What I've heard about them it makes sense that he did write them. Supposedly Bane gets the idea for the rule of two from Revan.
  23. Seems that Game of Thrones: Genesis released. I need to find opinions on it!
  24. Patrick Stewart doesn't strike me as an expensive actor. He's well respected, but he'll do just about anything. He's a regular on American Dad.
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