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Everything posted by cheesevillain

  1. Why not create a char who does both? Yeah, it's not like it's unusual for people to play rogues with maxed-out perception and a high mechanics skill.
  2. Please make this your forum signature. I want to reread it everytime you make a post.
  3. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/205646747 I feel there should be a link to this on the thread, even if it's been posted elsewhere. The important takeaways are that there will be more (possibly much more) grazing, and shorter spellcasting times for some spells.
  4. Well, it's of limited use, becomes if you win the fight, this doesn't matter. If you lose the fight, you immediately replay it and remember the stats. Where is the term "red fish memory" from?
  5. This is an excellent argument. Druids are a very flexible class, but they won't feel flexible if they can't cast that many different types of spells in a single combat.
  6. I think OP (correct me if I'm wrong) more meant that they were unfun to play, rather than that they were non-competitive.
  7. Btw, Josh just posted a noncommittal "maybe" about this topic on his Tumblr.
  8. "applause" The upside is that they can make melee caster spells more powerful if they split melee damage from spell damage.
  9. Agreed. I liked Lady Webb, and I liked the general thrust of the investigation, but I did not like how she was the one actively solving the Thaos mystery instead of the PC.
  10. I thought it was the stupidest thing, until I actually tried it. I also found that it's a lot of fun. It feels a lot different than using a shapeshifting druid. The casting time is a serious problem currently. The new ogre model is gorgeous (well, gorgeously ugly). I don't know how you guys all felt, but I really hated the ogre models in PoE1. AGREED.
  11. I think that they could easily adjust the difficulty of skill checks if people are unhappy with them. A lot of people are going to try to make one character who can sneak, lockpick and pickpocket like Aramintai; if they can't, thee's going to be a lot of complaints. Aramintai, could I ask what exactly about the current system do you think will be NOT be fixed merely by adjusting some of the skill checks down?
  12. Summons are useful just because another warm body on the field diverting damage from your other characters is always very useful. The figurines in PoE1 were very useful, and were essential for POTD just for this reason.
  13. Iirc, Josh has said on Tumblr that he avoids posting here for that very reason. You folks are all real composed and nice on this forum, btw, and I'd like to thank you all.
  14. You're missing the point here. It doesn't matter whether it's by big or small numbers, spellcasters should not be tankier than melee classes. Period. But with new system they will be. I'm confused. Spellcasters start with a penalty to their deflection, which isn't overcome even by maxing out Resolve. How will they be better tanks in the new system?
  15. In the next update, they're tuning down penetration, giving more spells to priests (and druids, iirc). Hopefully they'll crank up the damage for spells a little more. Are these the fixes you're looking for, or would you want something more than this?
  16. Summoned weapons are weapons, and do weapon damage. Muscle wizards will still exist and be effective, but more specialized. Min-maxed wizards won't now hit as hard with both Concelhaut's Staff and Fireball. Strength will now be a more common dump stat for wizards, but perhaps not quite as common a dump stat as Resolve was before. "Sigh" It was really fun for when Helwalker/Wizard ran out of spells, run up to the enemies and explode their stupid faces with Torment's Reach. End of that dream build. The good news might be that this might be a prelude to cranking up the power on caster's spells. Since casters have so few casts-per-combat in PoE2, they spend more of combat using weapon damage. If the weapon damage for spell-damage optimized casters is nerfed, then they can more easily tune up the damage that spells do.
  17. Well, it surely will be displayed in the final version of the game. I would like to know why the Chanter gives points in sleight of hand.
  18. I have two questions for dam. First Question: Would you like spell duel to work between wizards, or spell duels between all three main caster classes: wizards, druids and priests? Second Question: The new keyword system that allows spells to interact with each other. (spell with fire keyword like Fireball cancels spell with frost keyword, like chilling fog, for example) This is different from the BG system, but does it feel like a move towards spell duels for you?
  19. There's a small number of talents that are in danger of being autopicks such as weapon focus. If they do actually become autopicks, they'll be nerfed or removed. I think they're powered up a little right now to give a little more distinction/balance to the classes they're currently exclusive too. I think a lot of these power level issues are a matter of tuning, and not the fault of a general talent table If this does happen, they can easily crank up the power of the discipline stat, or the active fighter abilities, to make single class fighters competitive.
  20. Make you a deal, the talent no longer represents the fact you've had them custom-fitted. It now represents your ability to retract your horns, thus enabling you to wear helmets \o/ fck me, is that a good recover or is that a good recover ? :D F**k it, I'm down, put it in the game.
  21. Sorry dudes, you're right. I derailed the conversation. Well, that escalated quickly. That wasn't quickly at all, all your responses can resume to this sentence: I don't care. It's all the same, every single time... I ask 4 question and someone answer just one of them in a smart ass way and then goes away like they won some competition - you did that in your last response -, I asked 6 question... and to how many did you respond? If you are not here to help or to make a good argument I can't think of a reason to why you are still in this topic. And I'm really sorry if you read my comments as dismissive or contemptuous. They weren't meant that way. If you're unhappy with the combat animations, by all means, say it loud. Obsidian listens to these forums more closely than you realize.
  22. Why would that cost a talent? That should cost money to hire someone to make the helmet. Seeing how money is never a problem in mid-late game, that would make the whole mechanic sort of moot, in my opinion. Well, yeah, it's silly from a balance perspective. I meant you shouldn't need a talent to wear an item custom fitted to you. Talents represent skill, inherent qualities, etc, not items. No, it's a practical decision, so they don't have to make a whole new slew of new helmet assets for their funny heads. It's not like race choice is really important outside of POTD, or POTD solo, anyways, and the majority of players will never touch POTD. Edit: fixed original misattributed quote. My bad, dam, sorry. I was having a little trouble with the quote function, worked around with a little copy&paste without due care.
  23. I you kill him, you can mock the innkeeper about how you killed him, which will upset her so much that she'll attack you. Then you can kill her as well. It's a special surprise they wrote for the odd person who tried doing the evil thing. There are better written evil options in this game than in any other I've ever played, other than maaaaaybe fallout 2. The trick is, you sometimes need to actually need to act evil, instead of just waiting for evil dialogue options to pop up. If melting down the baby to get a potion to help an old man keep his grip on political power ain't gloriously evil, I don't know what is. But if it must be more evil, you can kill the guy afterwards and make the baby's death a useless sacrifice. The glanfathans are clearly not "ok with that kind of stuff", only the quest giver & one person in the Ethik Nol. You have to kill a bunch who are pissed off about child murder if you pick up the baby.
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