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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Unfortunately if that person is in Iran at the time he or she will be executed pretty much on the spot.
  3. Hey, stop freaking out the cat person here.
  4. ah, so "action-rpg"-s are for you cartoons, because the action part I guess cyberpunk and shadowrun then aswell Nopt just action RPGs. Over the top to ridiculous levels of Action RPGs, and when I do run cyberpunk game its not over the top. I keep it gritty, low key, and subtle to a degree. Plan on doing the same in a Shadowrun campaign I am going to run soon.
  5. Extremists, regardless of religion, suck.
  6. He is religiously Jewish? Mostly.
  7. One of my friends is Jewish. He eats pork products. Mostly on pizza during game sessions.
  8. Anyway, Muslims need to lighten up. So a cartoon was made of their prophet. Big freaking deal. People have done more offensive things with other religious icons like Moses, Jesus, the Pope, and so on. Islamic extremists need to grow up and realize the world does not revolve around them or their interpretations of God. Xard, stop typing that word in already. Sheesh!
  9. I once had a hamster that escaped from his cage. He was missing for days, then one day I saw him floating in the fish tank... dead... with a very traumatized goldfish looking at him.
  10. When I look at those pics I have to just ask... what the **** is wrong with those people? I would never want to live in a country that is not a democracy, that does not have freedom of speech, nor uses some religion as a basis for the primary law of the land, Azarkon, especially shariah law.
  11. Sand

    Dr. Who

    I wonder if the . *spoilertags by Walsh*
  12. Over the top and ridiculous levels of action.
  13. Well, I never said they were "good" Christians, just part of the Christian community. Also it is a parallelism that I thought obvious and well made. Maybe, one day, Iran and the rest of the Middle East will join the West in the 21st century.
  14. Its just way too overpowered and too cartoony.
  15. Most people were focusing on the SecuROM issues in general and not how it specifically pertained to Mass Effect. Since it wasn't specifically game related to their title or any of their titles the Off Topic forum was the best place for it. They could simply not allow any discussion about it whatsoever if they so wished.
  16. http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/
  17. I am sure that if the government backed it there would be some groups of Christians who would love to kill homosexuals. Phelps and his Westboro crew come to mind.
  18. Sand

    Dr. Who

    That is why I am looking forward to season 5. Steve Moffat has taken over as lead since Davies is leaving at the end of this season. Every single episode Moffat has written has been kickarse episodes.
  19. I really don't like infinite ammo. Remove please. /signed!
  20. The way I see it is that Iran either kills men for being gay or it doesn't kill men for being gay. The Iranian authorities either kill people who convert from Islam or they don't kill people for converting away from Islam. There is no middle ground here. Either they kill they person in question or they don't. No media propaganda here, just simple fact. They either do it or not, and it has been shown that the Iranian authorities do in fact kill homosexual men for being born the way they are.
  21. So, with the E6850 Core 2 Duo and a 8800GT, what type of memory would be best with that combination? I do plan on getting a second 8800GT for SLI but would it be more worthwhile geting better or more RAM? According to PC Wizard the type of RAM I have is "DDR2-SDRAM PC2-6400 (399 MHz) - [DDR2-800]."
  22. I have been toying withthe idea of using the d20 Modern class progression in DnD format. At lst level the character gets the core class basics and a Talent from the class' available Talent trees. At every odd level the character gains a new talent. At every odd level the character gains a bonus feat based on their class. I would be toning down the feats a bit since the character would be getting a good chunk between the class bonus feats and the general feats the character gains every 3 levels. Also the character may choose a talent, if he or she qualifies for it, from another class but it would take up a Feat slot instead of a Talent slot. Also the character could choose Racial Talents based on his or her race to represent training in his or her natural abilities. Kind of like Racial Levels in AE but without the levels.
  23. Ah, my mistake. Thanks for the clarification.
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