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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I like Obama and he will most certainly get my vote in November. There are a few things I disagree with him, but of the main two parties I am more of a Democrat than a Republican. Also, Guard Dog is right, and that is the downside of a near pure capitalistic society that the US is.
  2. I think this is cool. SENTIENT SQUIRRELS FTW!!!!!
  3. Essays are easy to to plop out. Get a few sources on the subject, skim them, free write on the subject for ten minutes then dive into the meat of it. 5 pager done in less than 2 hours.
  4. I did that back when I was at Great Mistakes. Got to see a lot of Chicago I wouldn't have seen otherwise, though I was really late getting back on base. Got chewed out by a petty officer but it was fun exploring the city however I did got strange looks going about in my uniform.
  5. I know, I wasn't saying you were wrong, I was pointing out how badly Krookie sucks. Then I think that's something we can all get behind. Your mom is something we can all get behind
  6. Anyway, Bethesda has butchered Fallout just as badly as Interplay did with FOPOS. I just don't see the point of them buying the franchise/license then make it UnFalloutish. Fallout 3 is the Diet Coke of Fallout series. Just one calorie, not Fallout enough.
  7. I hope this goes to trial. If the woman is found guilty she deserves the full sentence.
  8. Stardock doesn't have an issue with pirates and their stuff don't use any software protection, and they have made good chunk of money off their games. Pirates will pirate the game no matter what. It doesn't matter what copy protection is used pirates will crack it. People who plan on buying the game will buy the game. People who will pirate the game will pirate the game.
  9. You obviously missed the point so there is no reason to discuss this any further with you.
  10. The totally destroyed the central design philosophy of Fallout. To emulate PnP gaming on the PC with the use of the SPECIAL rules system. That is one of the ways Bethesda ruined FO3. Also, random n00b, I am with Krezy, and I am sure there are a lot of us who share this view, that poorly made sequels, which Fallout 3 is a proud member of that group, overall brings ruin to the series. Not that FOT and FOPOS didn't finish FO years ago.
  11. His GTA4 review wasn't negative.
  12. I think it is a bit of both, Astro, but you are right. A lot of western countries, like the US, use a lot of resources. More than we should. Personally, I would be happy if gas prices here jumped another two to three dollars a gallon.
  13. True enough, but I don't think there will ever be a solution that will be acceptable to everyone.
  14. *Sand begins to sing* People are people so why should it be that they are made into Soylent Green?
  15. There is no such thing of lacking in awesomeness when it comes to Yahtzee. I want to feel his amazing brain... nicely chilled... with a spoon.
  16. That's why we work on using automated systems. If we have the tech of having a robot to vaccuum my floor or mow my lawn, in the next decade or two we may see the rise of automated farms.
  17. Not if you read the papers. Nearly every paper around where I live is yelling how using corn for ethanol and other biofuels instead of food is driving up prices and making a food shortage as well making it too expensive for the poor to buy. Of course if there was less people to distribute the food to distribution would be easier.
  18. Sure, but it is pretty damn sad to be forced to use a crack to play a single player offline game that one legitimately bought.
  19. Having a single player game that forces you to go online just to say "I got a legit copy, looky" that only gives you three installs in the entire life time of the game makes you smile? That seems to be a strange thing to smile at, but whatever trips your trigger, Alan.
  20. A good game is a good game, regardless of platform, Krezy and DR. ME is a damn good game, one of the best in recent years. It is the only game in a decade that knocked Fallout 1 out of my #1 position. My only objection tot he PC version is the copy protection. It is very much worth getting if that wasn't a factor. Also, I agree with Volourn on what Bioware owes and not owes its customer base.
  21. The only "potential" I see is overpopulation that will not only stress out the varied economies of the nations of this planet but also have a very strong and negative impact on the environment. Overpopulation can lead to far more "potential" problems that could very much lead to extinction.
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