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Everything posted by Sand

  1. The estimated US population right now is only 303,824,650, not 500 million.
  2. I agree. We really need to do something against religious cults like this that prey on children. This cult has two more compounds and it wouldn't surprise me that this sort of thing is going on there as well.
  3. But its April.
  4. Well, I just hope the superdelegates go the way of the regular delegates, regardless of who is on top, otherwise the whole process has proven to be one big pointless exercise. In either case if Hilary gets the nominee I'm voting McCain.
  5. So, are you getting it off-line, with a false ID, with an older friend, or with one of your your parents? There's a 42% chance he won't get IDed. Anyway, I decided to wait till morning. It may only cost me a dollar to get their via bus but it would be another $15 to get back via cab. Not really worth it.
  6. If its not Scottish, it's CRAP!
  7. Yeah, I know. I thought Pixie Stick here was between 14 to 16.
  8. That is all I think it should be - let the parents deal with the moral stuff if they want to, but don't have someone else's morality pushed on everyone. I agree.
  9. Wait a minute, aren't you a little to young for a M rated game.
  10. First off, GTA4 is not a CRPG, and secondly I do play more games than just CRPGs. Nice try at a flame bait.
  11. It shall be mine... Tonight possibly... If not, then tomorrow!
  12. Season 10, episode 20.
  13. Its called "Unending."
  14. Yes, but I am confused. What does bras for men and garden implements have to do with Obama and Clinton?
  15. Yeah, something like that.
  16. First hand? No. But I had this college roommate... Then I decided moved off campus.
  17. Never even heard of the guy but if what you saying is true, DN, then that bugger needs a cricket bat smack across his noggin.
  18. Thats a good way of getting electrocuted.
  19. It has to do withthe number of computations the CPU can do in a processing cycle. AMD chips can do more computations in a cycle than a Intel chip, thusly it doesn't need to go as fast.
  20. Yes, there was this strange case of parthenogenesis around 2000 years ago...
  21. Rape is a form of sex. Nonconsensual sex, but sex nonetheless. We are talking about choices one can make, not situations in which choice is removed.
  22. Would it be redundant for me to state that it is possible to become pregnant without having sex? Key word is "unwanted." I don't see many women getting pregnant in vitro against their will.
  23. Why?
  24. I judge a game's worth by the official content only, for only what the developers put into the game matters. Third party mods are a nice extra but they do not represent the work they developers place into the game.
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