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Everything posted by Sand

  1. If a country attacks the United States, causing lost of life and damaging property, then we should go in and make damn sure they don't have the ability to do so again. With 9/11 we should have went in Afganistan, focus on killing every single member of Al Qaeda and the Taliban, then simply leave afterwards. Iraq did not attack us therefore we should not have invaded.
  2. Anyone with a brain should have seen that could never have happen.
  3. I thought this thread was how vehicles could be included in gameplay, not specific models of cars.
  4. They should just let market forces determine what games are made and what content shows on the web. If these parents actually took a look what they are getting for their kids and letting them have access to maybe this wouldn't be a problem. If parents took an active role in their kids lives and actually do the work to raise them just maybe there wouldn't be this problem of kids getting "adult" or questionable material.
  5. I thought flamebaiting was against forum rules, moderator.
  6. I didn't say stop foreign trade or not protect ourselves. Read what is there. Tigger, if a nation attacks us then we go in, destroy them, then leave. No rebuilding their country afterwards. That is like rewarding our enemies for attacking us in the first place. Walsh, we should trade with other countries, and bolster the economies of our trade partners as long as it benefits us. However that does not mean we should act irresponsibly by making excuses to invade other countries. Iraq was no threat to the US, nor any US citizen on US soil. Saddam had no WMDs. Saddam had no connection to Al Qaeda. We invaded on false pretenses and thusly acted irresponsibly and American lives have been lost and wasted.
  7. Is there improvement in Iraq? I don't care. All I care is about the welfare of the United States. Let the Iraqis worry about the Iraqis. With our economy going down the drain, natural disasters leaving people homeless and in economic hardship, and our infrastructure deterioting where should the US spend their money. On a country on the other side of the world or right here at home? Our money and resources should be focused on taking care of the issues we have here. Before we take care of someone else we need to be able to take care of ourselves. Before we take care of other countries we need to do the following (in no order of importance): 1. Make sure our unemployment rate is below 1% 2. The problems with immigration and border security is resolved. 3. Areas in the US that have been hit by natural disasters have been fully restored. 4. The housing market problems are satisfactory resolved. 5. A national system that helps stem the costs of skyrocketing healthcare costs is put in place. 6. We hold no debt or deficit to any foreign power. Once we have these 6 in play then we will be in a much better position to help other countries. In the long term, we can't help others if we cannot help ourselves.
  8. I have to disagree. It is not the job of the government or media to raise children, nor is it the responsibility of YouTube to censure material just to make it "kid" safe. YouTube most certainly has the option to do so, but its parent company, Google, is in the business to make money and not raise kids.
  9. If parents were actually watching their kids and being parents a great deal of this mess wouldn't be a problem. Its not the job of the media, the government, or even YouTube to raise kids.
  10. The invasion of Iraq was a mistake and continuing that mistake into the future is foolhardy. Every life lost in that war is a life wasted for nothing more than Bush's over inflated ego. There was no WMDs in Iraq. Al Qaeda was not in Iraq prior to the invasion. It is now a money pit, waste of resources and lives that would be better used here at home than in that cesspit in which the Republicans created.
  11. Websites like YouTube cater more than just the British isles. I don't see how the British government can force a website whose origins aren't even in its borders to a certain code of conduct. If the British government is in such a uproar about a certain site have their native internet providers try to block it.
  12. Security? Why don't they just go the Stardock route. It works.
  13. First it was slated to be released some time ago. Then it was slated to be released with 1.12. Now it is slated to be released at 1.13. What the hell, Obz?
  14. I liked the Mako in Mass Effect. It played quite well and the portions where there is vehicle combat was pretty cool. However, if there is vehicles in the AP along with vehicle combat I think it would be cool to have it more like GTA than ME.
  15. Its not an issue of Tibet deserves independence or not, but how the Chinese government choose to react to the protests that I have a problem with. Killing defenseless people is bad, Azarkon.
  16. Yeah, but what right minded foreigner would want to live in an oppressive country like China? A country that has no problem on sending its own military to shoot and kill its own unarmed people.
  17. With how many changes the game is going through I see a game that is using the Fallout name but not being a Fallout game. No real difference than what FOPOS was. It would have been better if Bethesda created their own PA game, but if you are going to make a Fallout game make a Fallout game.
  18. My main beef with FO3 is that they are making it into an action game like Oblivion. Make use of current tech and game engines which is all well and good, but let the damn rules system be at least recognizable from the original 2.
  19. I will get along with the Chinese government when they give their people basic human rights, Walsh, and not a moment sooner.
  20. That is my plan. I just don't mean viewership, but also whole countries not sending their teams to compete. I think it would be silly to send the best athletes of my country into a hostile country.
  21. What I would like to see is a mass boycott of the Bejing Olympics given China's blatant disregard over basic rights.
  22. On the bright side it looks like some guy screaming out GTA4.
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