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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Well, the only way to cope with campus police, at least ISU's campus police, showing an ounce of competence is to game.
  2. But the "Smug Looking Barrel" needs work, man. Think of his children. THINK OF HIS CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Over the weekend my university almost had its on Virginia Tech episode. A gunman was wandering the halls in one of the dorms. ISU activated their alert system to get the word out. About a half hour later the guy was arrested but during the chase he ditched his gun somewhere because it wasn't on him when the police cuffed him. I am now reinstalling Neverwinter Nights 2.
  4. Please prove how Mass Effect's story wouldn't have been better if they had limited character choices more. I don't see how it can be better. It is the only game in a decade that has removed Fallout from its number 1 position in my top ten list.
  5. Hmmmm... Who the drek cares. A person will do what he or she will do how he or she feels like doing. The why of it is irrelevant.
  6. Blood Bowl was indeed fun. Obsidian, DO IT!
  7. They need to do arena football.
  8. Well, one of the reasons why I liked it was because it wasn't your usual shooter.
  9. Hmmm... I guess you have a point there, Nickster.
  10. Sand


    Sometimes I am polite. Sometimes I rip people's heads off. It all depends on the mood I am in and how many drunks I had dealt with previously.
  11. I never liked GURPS. A long time ago our group tried out GURPS. It didn't end well.
  12. I am just for giving the player as much character creation options that is possible. I just don't see how eliminating options makes for a better CRPG, especially when there is proof that giving players full creation control of their character doesn't hamper story quality in the least.
  13. If a game plays like a shooter, feels like a shooter, looks like a shooter, then its a shooter. Deus Ex is a shooter. Best damn shooter I have ever played, but still a shooter. Bloodlines was a nice hybrid. I rather have a story and dialogue system that is very deep and immersive for both genders than have limited character creation options. The idea that the story and immersion will suffer because both genders are catered to is an antiquated notion that has been squashed by modern CRPGs. Want proof? Play Mass Effect.
  14. I am just sick of using classes and levels. Shadowrun 4e looks like the best classless and levelless system so far.
  15. Yeah, but at least it has a good mix of science fiction and fantasy. You know, I would love seeing a proper Shadowrun CRPG over DnD any day of the week.
  16. Other thing? What other thing? His Llyranor fetish?
  17. I hated the Gothic series. Okay, I hated Gothic 1 and 2. I never played Gothic 3. I just couldn't get into the game. I couldn't get in character. Unless the game has a phenomenal storyline and great gameplay I just stop playing the game because I lose interest. I need to feel I have ownership of the character. You cannot give that feeling of ownership without proper character creation.
  18. With the coming of DnD 4e I have decided to ditch DnD altogether. Next campaign I run will be Shadowrun.
  19. Why get a "real" PC when a console fulfills all one's gaming desires? Why spend more money than you have to?
  20. WOOHOOO! Waitaminute... Grrr...
  21. I am not worried about the other aspects of the game because... well, its Obsidian. You don't have to worry too much about the important aspects of a CRPG when they are at the helm.
  22. I spent my XBox gaming money on Shadowrun PnP books so no new games for me for a while. *sniff* :sad: But then again I am still playing Mass Effect. I am not obsessed! REALLY!
  23. I like both. It all depends on the story context of the game in which is better.
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