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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I rather have a OICW. IOf I was to use a Russian weapon it would be AK-47. Those are very durable.
  2. And you couldn't do that with a female character?
  3. Me. Economic Left/Right: -3.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.38
  4. Man, that's tough. I hope she gets the help she needs, Shrykey.
  5. Well, the SIG-Sauer P228 is used in several Federal law enforcement agencies such as BATF, DEA, FBI, and the IRS. I don't don't know if the CIA uses it. The P226 is also used by the FBI and the US Coast Guard.
  6. AP then better have a better and deeper story than Mass Effect then since that game gave us a good range of character creation options and the female gender. I doubt that it will.
  7. Make it AO! *Sand begins to sing and does the jiggly dance* You and me baby are nothing but mammels so lets do it like they do it on Discovery channel!
  8. I like to know how they entail to "redefine" the RPG without one of the major key elements of RPGs. Proper character creation.
  9. I want a P90 or a Pancor Jackhammer Shotgun.
  10. I was able to see Ark of Truth. It is of typical Stargate quality and I was not disappointed.
  11. Physical appearance, voice set, and the like. Still bums me out that we are forced to play a male character.
  12. How much of character creation and customization will be under the control of the player and how much of it will be dictated by the designers?
  13. That is the one thing I liked about you, J.E.. You are rather up front about what you like and what you don't like when it comes to RPGs. You are one of the few developers I do trust not to over hype things too much.
  14. The main problem I have with 4e is that it really uberfies the game. Personally, I like to run low magic, grim and gritty fantasy when I run DnD and how they are presenting the rules it doesn't do that. Getting something every level is fine and good if it isn't overpowering, but 4e seems to be too much of the 4 color comic book variety of fantasy. I do like the Points of Light setting feel, but I don't think it will mesh well with the uberfication of DnD.
  15. Yeah, I am getting a feeling that a 19 inch widescreen really doesn't do the XBox 360 justice.
  16. Graphically, all I can say is HOLY CRAP! However is there a way to switch around the controls so that I can inverse the Y axis in the main game?
  17. Hmmm... I'll go try the demo then.
  18. How is Ace Combat 6? I would like to get a hold of a good space combat sim, something along Freelancer, for the XBox 360. It looks like Ace Combat 6 is the closest equivelent.
  19. Mass Effect's Bring Down the Sky is more like Oblivion's Knights of the Nine (though not as long) than its Horse Armor.
  20. I just unlocked insanity, okay.
  21. Not as good as the main story line planets but it is higher quality than the usual UCW side missions.
  22. Gameplay length mileage will vary. Some people were able to beat it in 40 minutes, others took 2 hours. I took about the listed 90 minutes, but I was playing on hardcore mode with a level 42 Vanguard.
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