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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I don't see eating animals is for pleasure. Its a matter of being a member of a omnivore species.
  2. We will probably have as much control to customize the appearance of the developers' character as we did with the Nameless One in PS:T. However there is no confusion here about gender. I like looking at attractive females. If you don't... Well, that is a personal matter go into here.
  3. My first game machine was a Pong dedicated thingie. I could play Pong and that was it. Later came the Vic 20, then the Commodore 64. Yeah. Pong.
  4. I disagree. Killing animals for food is not for human pleasure but part of the human omnivore diet. Humans were never meant to be vegetarians. That is not how we evolved to be, hence your friends need to take dietary supplements. If they had a well balanced diet of vegetables and meat they would have no need for such supplements. Balance in moderation in a diet is important, going one extreme or another in terms of vegetables and meat is never any good.
  5. Well, at least you aren't living in D.C.
  6. I occasionally do but when it is always on screen it is hard not to notice it. But, hey, if you like to see a male butt get 30 to 40 hours of screen time who am I to judge?
  7. Your point? Personally, I like to make my own character because it allows me have a sense of ownership of that character. Also, if I am going to look at a butt for 30 to 40 hours in a game I would like to play a female character, you know. For some odd reason I find male butts unappealing.
  8. From that little blurb that Llyr posted I am not exactly all that excited about this game. It has PS:T's fatal flaw and I don't particularly think it fits in what I consider modern CRPGs.
  9. Sounds like a step backwards in CRPG design if we cannot make our own character. Hey, Obsidian, its 2008, not 1999. Seriously, I like to make my own character and not play the developers' character. Why couldn't Obsidian pull what Bioware did with ME? It works surprisingly well.
  10. Azarkon, one thing that vegetarians seem to forget is that animal meat has many proteins and vitamins which the body needs in good supply. Human evolution would not have happened if our ancestors did not eat meat because of these proteins gained allowed greater development for the brain. Unless the vegetarians constantly use dietary supplements, in the long run they lose out. After all, name me one herbivore that can show higher intelligence than mere grazing. Also I do think that killing an animal for human safety is very important, but it should be done as humanely as possible. Also it will end the animal's suffering.
  11. When killing an animal it should have a purpose beyond just for fun. Such as when hunting or fishing, one end purpose is that the animal killed is used for food, a useful purpose compared to simple trophies or "sport." The same goes for clothing, medicine, or in the case of Walsh's post for being humane. Which is more humane killing an animal or letting it suffer? Death is more humane in these cases in my opinion.
  12. The difference here is that humans have the will and the intelligence to better themselves if they choose to. Dogs cannot.
  13. Yes, it sounds interesting but I rather play a game than watch a game. I'll rent it first before I buy it.
  14. Eh? Its a JRPG which you spend more time watching FMVs than actually playing the game. Um... No thank you.
  15. Since I didn't like Diablo I never bothered with TQ. It is sad to see a company fold though.
  16. Sheesh, people. Lighten up already! PC and XBox 360 gets my vote.
  17. You know, I wonder how Atlantis would be different if it was written in the style of Battlestar Galactica, and BSG's creative head becomes Joss.
  18. At least they didn't do a Garfield Without Garfield centered on Odie.
  19. What they need to do is merge the styles of BSG and SGA and have a little more focus on the science. Firefly/Serenity style would be perfect.
  20. Yeah, but what experience does Hillary have? She was never a governor either. I don't count being a wife of a president as high in credentials.
  21. Well, you know... Depreciation.
  22. You just encountered... MURPHY'S LAW OF COMPUTER MAINTENANCE! Enjoy!
  23. That alone is good enough reason for me to deep six her.
  24. My main beef with the Clintons is that they already had their chance as the Presidency and I for one am sick of the same old crap. Bush-Clinton-Bush, then Clinton again? No thank you. We need a fresh start, someone who is with it for this generation, and not some oldie from years gone by. It has nothing to do with Hillary being a woman, it has everything to do with her being part of the old vanguard of Democrats. Been there, done that.
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