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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I think the world and the US would be better off if the US just minded their own business and not interfere with the affairs of other countries. I was talking about Christianity. No Christianity would mean no U.S. I can live with that.
  2. I think the world and the US would be better off if the US just minded their own business and not interfere with the affairs of other countries.
  3. I see the point you are making but my point is that Nader will have next to no impact in the 2008 election. The 2000 election is done and gone. Lets worry about now than dwell on things that can't be changed.
  4. I am saying that the popular vote for the presidential elections is meaningless. I doubt Nader will have any significant impact in the 2008 elections.
  5. It will effect the popular vote but until the Electorial College is removed it will have no effect on the outcome. As for Nader I think he is rather insignificant at this point. Everyone knows that 3rd party candidates will never have any sort of chance and this election is going to be too important to waste time on them. Electorial College will vote for who ever they wish, regardless what the popular voting results will be.
  6. I have to agree with NightandtheShape about Christianity. It has done more harm than good in its 2000 years of existence.
  7. Actually the Electorial College, at least in my state, can vote any way they feel like. The popular vote can go to the Republicans but the Electorial College can go Democrat, for example. Popular vote is meaningless.
  8. Yes, you would be wrong. The Electorial College chooses the President, not the general vote. The popular vote is meaningless in a Presidential election. The 2000 elections proved that.
  9. Just watch out for power surges when it comes to lasers. One power surge then BOOM! Klingon Moon Effect. Very messy.
  10. They made the game how Lucas Arts wanted it. No more and no less.
  11. Well, here I have no real reason to believe in US Society nor any real desire to be a part of it. I do believe human life is precious, especially mine. I only believe someone should be shot if they seek to unjustly harm another human being.
  12. You could have the mole removed.
  13. I rather live in Europe, Germany or Great Britiain preferable, than here in the US.
  14. My first choice is Obama, my second choice is McCain. Clinton isn't even on the radar. I would rather vote for Huckabee than Clinton.
  15. Archenemies is synonomous with friends. At least in my dictionary then again my dictionary is kind of fuzzy right now. FUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZY!
  16. I actually went to the bar today with people. I had a single pint of german beer. It had slight taste of banana. Now it is time to game in my PnP group... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! P.S. I consider Deadly_Nightshade a friend, as I do Krookie, Pixie Stick, Volourn, Darque, Gabs, and everyone else here. Really I do. I feel kind of funny right now...
  17. I think one good reason to kill another human being is in the defense of one's self, one's home, and one's family.
  18. I just think that the Devs have more important things to do than to post replies to the common rabble that run amok here. AMOK! AMOK! AMOK!
  19. If you want to go that route it is a war that the Israelis started. They abandoned Israel to go into Egypt and when Egypt was intolerable they left to go back to Israel, killing those who took up residence in their absence. Personally, I rather stick to recent history.
  20. Well, if you go back far enough, back to World War 2, the US most certainly planted the seeds of the Cold War with the creation of the atomic bomb. As for Israel, it is the fault of the US and Britain why their is so much conflict in the Middle East over Israel. If Israel was cut from the lands of German and Italy, the Axis powers of Europe that caused World War 2 instead I don't thikn we would have as much conflict in the Middle East as we do now.
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