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Everything posted by Sand

  1. It looks like the people who market beef to my local grocer is not on that list. YAY FOR ME!
  2. Because each one was defeated single handedly by... CHUCK NORRIS!
  3. I would agree Di, but in this case the guy showed the evidence to the officers then password protected it.
  4. I wonder if they are going to release a PC version.
  5. At least we can agree we need more Teddies!
  6. We need more presidents like these guys.
  7. We are not more evolved than we were back then. We have more advanced technology but that is it.
  8. That is a good variant. Anyway, I don't use baseline DnD. Ramza, my suggestion to you is to forget about changing the baseline rules and pick up Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved. It is better balanced and better designed than baseline DnD 3e/3.5e.
  9. The changes you propose would be good for priesthoods that aren't militant in nature. Clerics of agriculture, knowledge, and magic and the like would fit what you propose while clerics who follow gods of war, strategy, tyranny, and so forth would be more for the base line cleric.
  10. I don't think the 5th Amendment applies here because he showed the files to the authorities. He already showed them the incremenating evidence.
  11. Clerics' power are dictated by the whim of their gods. They must adhere to dogma otherwise loose all abilities. Wizards don't have that restriction.
  12. Don't think it as just playing ME, but as preparation for the new NWN2 expansion.
  13. Well, ME is no BG2 but it is lightyears better than NWN1 and KotOR.
  14. I do think that the cleric is over powered as it is, but the cleric should represent his or her deity well. After all I doubt a Cleric of a War God will be worse in fighting than a bard or rogue, while a priest of a God of Magic would even know which end of a sword to hold.
  15. What would a teenager do? Demand a bigger allowance! Just kidding. That is why I am all for games like ME to be on as many platforms as possible. That allows people to get a great game regardless of what platform they can afford.
  16. It goes tot he who idea of KISS when it comes to making game elements yet making them fun to play. Keep It Simple, Stupid. If you have to go through hoops just to control your character and the playing through the hoops is not fun then people aren't going to want to play the game.
  17. Its the bias that consoles are for kiddies and that kiddies are dumb. Given how the market is for consoles and PCs I disagree with that bias. Its about accessability and the gaming market is widening their audience base. The casual gamer don't want to play a game that requires a game manual thicker than the Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. Its about loading up or installing the game and BOOM! Having fun.
  18. KotOR 1 and KotOR 2 were never exclusives.
  19. I am still waiting for WotC to release information about 4e that I may actually like. So far, it hasn't happen.
  20. Why would you support the continued reign of Billary? I mean, I cannot see any redeeming factors that would make me vote for her instead of McCain -although I want Obama to win the Democratic nomination, and voted that way during yesterday's primary-, in fact she is the only one of the top three candidates that I would not want to see in the White House. It is not that she is a woman, I believe that there will be a female president within the next fifty years and do not have a problem with that fact, it is that she is both the wife of Bill Clinton (someone who I never want to see near the white house again, especially if he does not have a job to do) and that she is, in fact, Hillary R. Clinton. I agree. Also we need a leader that can work with the opposition, get rid of partisanship, and Obama can do that. Clinton cannot. She is a divisive force that Republicans hate, along with some independent minded Democrats. The Clintons must go.
  21. No. The iron is permeated within the blood. Its concetration is equal throughout what blood is there if memory serves. Of course there is one simple remedy for thick blood. Alcohal. Moderate use of alcohal will thin the blood out, if I remember correctly but I could be wrong.
  22. Remember, its just not Hillary. It's... BILLARY!
  23. I did some shopping. Go in, get what I want, then speed out of the store to hit the bus before it leaves. Shopping usually takes me about a half hour, then right back home I go.
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