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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Actually, Jediphile, the dwarf you described as being 11/11 Fighter/Cleric would not be 22nd level in 3e. He would be 11th level, most likely 4 levels of fighter and 6 levels of cleric. Besides back when it went from 2e to 3e the best choice was to close down the 2e campaign to a satisfactory conclusion and start a brand new campaign with fresh 1st level characters in 3e. Thats what I did with transitioning from 1e to 2e, 2e to 3e, and 3e to 3.5e.
  2. Yeah, I guess you are right, Tale. Its just one of those hazards of living in the modern day United States.
  3. A 2 day delivery for freedom? That sounds like a tight schedule but it may be possible with Federal Express but costly.
  4. ADHD is not a mental illness, but a learning disability as with autism. Schizophrenia, Mania, Manic Depression, Depression, and other mental illnesses that require longterm psychological care and medicinal treatments would be the types of mental illness that should be on the watch list. If that does not appeal to you then what do you suggest, Tale, that does not infringe the Second Amendment rights of law abiding US citizens. There will be no perfect solution.
  5. When has a game publisher ever release a game 5 minutes of just announcing it? The shipping time alone would take longer than 5 minutes.
  6. One step is to set up a registry of mentally ill individuals that legitimate gun shops and dealers would refer to. It should operate like the sex offender registry, but if a person have been cleared of mental illness by three practicing psychologist/psychoanalyst professions one can have his or her name taken off the list. This would give dealers in weaponry an added tool to make sure guns are not being sold to those who have been suffering from mental illness. That would be one step. There is no 100% guarrantee that these people won't get guns. As I stated before if a person is determined enough to get a weapon that person will.
  7. What does them releasing an enhanced version of the game equate the Polish hating freedom?
  8. No, Tale, it is not. Stopping those who are mentally ill or mentally distressed from going on a murder spree before they act is the goal. I would think that would be obvious even to you, but if you wish to go on such hyperbole then there is no need to discuss this issue with you any further.
  9. So, if everyone in baseball used steroids, would that level the playing field? Would that make it fair?
  10. Pixie Stick, you of all people should know that my posts rarely have any point to them at all.
  11. Though it does make you an omnivore which gives you something in common with the american black bear.
  12. So? Use the same character concept, background, and story, then just fill in the game mechanics. BOOM! Instant conversion.
  13. Are you confused, Pixie Stick? Those who cause such tragedies such as the one at NIU, Virginia Tech, the Omaha Mall, Columbine, and so forth were driven, motivated to kill and this motivation may be as simple as revenge or some complex delusion due to mental illness. If we can understand what causes these aberrant motivations within these troubled people we may be able to better detect the warning signs and stop further senseless killings.
  14. I probably never will get the lure of baseball. I have played baseball. I have watched baseball. There is no other sport in this world that is more boring than Baseball and its derivitives besides Bowling and Golf. That being said I have to agree with Volourn. While the Steroids my allow such players bulk up and stronger, all that strength means nothing if they can't hit the ball in the first place.
  15. Make all guns illegal then only criminals will have guns. If a person is determine to get a gun he or she will get a gun. It doesn't matter how easy or dificult. That person will get a gun and if that person has the desire to use it he or she will. A firearm is a tool, a means in which allows a person to do a very specific task. If a person so desires to do the task to kill or intimidate people and does not have access to a gun he or she will use some other device. Knives have been used in robberies quite effectively instead of a handgun. What we need to do is eliminate the motivation to use the gun, to understand that impulse, to detect it, so that we can prevent these sort of tragedies.
  16. OMG!?!?! Atari head man thinks he's a terrorist! OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111!!!1!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1111111111!!!!!!!!!! http://kotaku.com/357899/new-atari-boss-sa...-stone+throwing
  17. And those people aren't the ones pissing me off. I do care if people get hurt, Tale. Using your analogy I would try to get the child out of the cage as quickly as possible, and if I had to hurt or kill the lion in the process I would. A human life is more important to me than a life of an animal, but I wouldn't be blind to the fact that the person responsible for this situation would be the woman.
  18. Its simple. A gun cannot shoot bullets by itself. It requires a person to pull the trigger.
  19. You are entitled to your opinion, Tale, but then again so am I. The one thing that pisses me off in this entire affair is that people are trying to place the blame on something other than the shooter. Games are not the blame. Guns are not the blame. Television shows or musicians are not to blame. The blame lies solely on Steven Kazmierczak. He got the guns. He pulled the trigger. He is to blame. No more and no less.
  20. Oh, come on now. We still have people killing each other over silly idealogies, wars raging over resources, and discrimination against those who show the slight bit of difference from "social norms." Taken as a whole, our species hasn't really changed all that much over the last two to three thousand years.
  21. Possibly not in the way that you mean, but on a purely technical level, yes we are. Comparing the life expectancy, average height and cranium size of modern people to those who lived 2000 years ago attests to that much. However, our behavior towards one another shows that we are as primitive as we were back then.
  22. Watch out for the... MAN EATING COW! http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/m/maneatco.htm
  23. Hey, no blatant adverts! Leave Chick Fila Out of this.
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