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Everything posted by Sand

  1. How? Religion is a private affair between oneself and one's deity of choice. As long as a person doesn't go around killing people or try to force others to convert I say let people worship what gods they may.
  2. Even if he was Muslim, what would be the big deal?
  3. The other plotted to kill President Bush but was foiled by those damn kids in the green van.
  4. Any and all censeroship is bad.
  5. I think that this is a poor tactic of Billary, trying to play on people's fears instead of running a honest campaign. Obviously she can't win otherwise.
  6. So, every single muslim is a terrorist now? I saw the pic and he looks like no freaking terrorist, Dark Raven. He looks like an American in traditional Kenyan garments. Make sense since his father was Kenyan. You are grasping at straws on this one.
  7. If you find something on the web offensive, don't go to that website. You may find one particular website offensive but your neigbor may not so does that make it right for your government to ban that website for everyone? No, it does not. People don't need a government to make personal decisions in their lives. That includes surfing the net.
  8. The one reason I like discussing politics is because I just like to argue. Win or lose, it is the argument that matters to me. You can often get an insight of how people think when they argue with you, especially when you start pressing their little pet peeves. As long as neither side takes it too seriously, the bantering back and forth can be quite fun.
  9. Only Harold I know of in fiction has a tree growing out of his head and looking for thingies.
  10. All information should be free and accessible to the people. I hate it when governments try to censor things. All they do is show their fear of people actually thinking for themselves instead of letting themselves be spoonfed whatever the powers that be deem acceptable. I don't care if its the Pakistani government, Russia's government, China's, Turkey's or even our own. Let the damn people decide what they want and what they deem acceptable.
  11. HEY! I have always been nice to you people. REALLY!
  12. I am also trying to ween myself the need to "feel" full as well. I am trying to, both physically and mentally, to improve myself. I never thought it would be so hard trying to be nice to people but since I began to feel physically better, the psychological side of things have been improving. I have also cut down on sugar since I have pretty much reduced my 6 liters of pop a day down to 2 liters of pop every two weeks.
  13. Iowa backed the Union in the Civil War but things change. I think that we might have an open revolt if Obama isn't the Democratic nominee. HA!
  14. Hmmm... I wonder what would happen if Iowa decided try to claim independence from the federal government.
  15. Technically it is the fermatation of grapes and grain, not just alcohal. Some conservative Muslims believe the spirit of the scripture means all alcohal while moderates go and say... LOOPHOLE! Ever watch 13th Warrior? Norseman: "Its made from honey!" Muslim: *blinks* *chugs down the mead*
  16. Well, I have been redoing my diet thing with weird results. Instead of worrying about calories I am taking a good long look at the fat content of foods instead. By limiting myself to less than 10 grams of total fat a week I lost 7 pounds in the first week. In the second week I got a craving for pizza so I satisfied it. I figure if I starve my cravings the moment I get off of the deit I will relish those cravings to the point I would gain all that weight back. Giving the fact that I am doing exercises that is suppose to increase muscle mass the second week I did not lose any weight, but overall I didn't gain any weight either. YAY ME! Anyhoot, my next step is lower my food portions at each meal and eat more often during the day. Normally, given my sleep and work schedule, I eat one large meal then when at work I either have a sandwich or soup. Soup is surprsingly filling and vegetable and tomato soups are very low in fat. .5 grams per serving. Since I have 10 hour shifts four days a week I have been using 2 liters and 30 packs of beer (Keystone to be percise) as weights, and I figured 60 laps around the aisles equals to one mile. It only takes me 2 hours to do all the work to keep the place clean so I walk around the aisles and do reps for the rest of the time. I feel like I have more energy, but at the same time boy does my body ache.
  17. I hope it works out for you Walsh.
  18. What part that Obsidian can't do jack about KotOR2 without LA's approval do you not get, Syn? Obsidian already offered to do the patchwork for KotOR2 for free. LA said no. End of story. When the publisher who owns the rights to the game says no that means NO! After all this time Obsidian has better things to do than patch KotOR2 even if LA would let them do so now. KotOR2 is done and over with.
  19. Maybe because it is that federalism isn't the best system. If there is a better system of government why not use it? Society and civilizations change over the course of time. Holding onto the past with an iron grip only leads to cultural stagnation.
  20. I think it is probably best to just ignore NWN1's representation of DnD. Its not exactly 100% accurate.
  21. The Electorial College needs to go away and I would be in favor of a Constitutional amendment. The purpose of the Electorial College is no longer valid. It was put into place because the regular folks were not savvy enough to keep up with news, and day to day politics. With the boon of the Information Age millions upon millions can just hope on the Internet and go to news service sites and get the information. The average US citizen is more aware of the political process, the issues our country faces, and the candidates' views and backgrounds than they were a two centuries ago. The Electorial College is a dinosaur, a product of an emerging country in a time that information could not be finger tips way from the average joe on the street. Its time has l;ong since pass. As long the Electorial College is in place we will not move away from a two party system as well. By making the Popular Vote count for all elected offices we may open new ground for third party presidential candidates as well.
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