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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Why don't they simple say "Unscheduled Activation" since it is already known that it is off world.
  2. That doesn't even make any sense since the game is not a sequel.
  3. At least on the PC and console. In PnP I tend to play males.
  4. One thing that gets me is the whole declaration of "Off World Activation!" Of course it is off world. Why do they need to declare it every single time the gate activates?
  5. Like they care what one nutcase with an ego problem has to say.
  6. Sorry, but if you think that gender doesn't play a factor in role playing then you are one sad role player.
  7. I just think it is kind of sick that Xard is laughing at a kid's death. He must think the commercials showing starving children in Africa downright hilarious.
  8. What? Wanting to be able to make one's own character in a CRPG is being superficial? Gee... I guess I have been superficial these last 25 years playing role playing games! Lets go tell WotC they are doing it wrong. They should go force everyone play Elminster or something.
  9. It is a question of being able to create your own character, to be able to have a measure of control and ownership that draws you into the game. That is why I like Fallout over PST. I will probably be choosing ME over this game.
  10. The same can be said about fruits and vegetables, Nickster.
  11. I simply do not see the humor in this.
  12. If you say so, but you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
  13. That is why the first thing a parent needs to drill into their kids that the difference between reality and fantasy.
  14. What is low priority to one is a high priority to another, Nickster.
  15. Since 1.03 I haven't had any major issues with NWN2 nor have I had any issues with MotB. I think Obsidian out did Bioware in regards of NWN games.
  16. Actually, I rather have Mass Effect. Why not have both good gameplay and good eye candy?
  17. When it comes to chimps there is only a 2% genetic difference between them and us.
  18. Yes, but I am not charging you to read my posts. You do that of your own free will. BWAAAHAAAAHAAAAAA!
  19. HA! What is really bad was the one Bok, I think it was him, who was running Crysis in third person.
  20. I might get it but I don't know if it would be worth the risk of buying something over the internet without any tangible behind it.
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