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Everything posted by Sand

  1. However a quick knife to the throat can be a rather stealthy kill.
  2. If there is anything in the game like that damn forest in IWD2, yes, there will be torture.
  3. I rather use high explosives to demolish the warehouse and kill everyone inside.
  4. How the hell would we get information out of terrorist if we torture them with sokoban. Can you even torture someone with sokoban?
  5. I don't see why they need to tone down the physical aspect of the job, but I don't see why a woman couldn't do the work.
  6. I did answer the question, Spider. A game is a game. Judge it as a whole or don't judge it at all.
  7. Who the hell says that any decisions are final? Sheesh, people. Lighten up already. I thought the whole point of these forums is to discuss and speculate.
  8. Sounds Unitarian. Unitarians are a strange bunch. Strange.
  9. Home newspapers. One thing that I missed when I was deployed back when I was in the Navy was reading up current events in the local hometown news.
  10. I agree. It sounds more like Drake's Fortune than Fallout.
  11. Send a care package and photos of everyone back home. Care packages could have shaving kits, cookies, dried meats, and the such. Photos from all his friends and family wishing him well can also be a real cheer to.
  12. If these games were novels, which they are not, PS:T beats both Fallout and Mass Effect, but since they are games and fun is a factor in games both Mass Effect and Fallout beats PS:T. Sheesh.
  13. You are assuming there is a 'why' to answer. Hence "why" will most likely be unanswerable.
  14. If you just take the text of both games and use that as a comparison, the various dialogues of both games I would say while Fallout has more complexity in resolving tasks, the quality of writing and how the decisions can effect the game is about equal. Just on pure text, Fallout would edge out Mass Efect to a degree but that is just a part of the overall experience of both games. Again, when it comes to games, it is the fun factor that matters most. The level of the overall entertainment value of Mass Effect is higher than Fallout 1. This is merely just my opinion, but Nick, it is defintely a game to play. Rent it and give it a try. EDIT: Pidesco, if the game isn't fun then there is no point in playing it. It is the only way I grade a game. You may grade differently, but to each their own.
  15. Then again there are people who are 100% certain that science has all the answers which it doesn't. In science, nothing is certain.
  16. Statistically, complex life forms and patterns will emerge from chaos. The whole 1,000,000 monkeys banging on typewriters will produce the works of Shakespeare sort of thing. The universe is about 14 billion years old so it took 1,000,000 monkeys (theoreitically speaking) banging away on the cosmic typewriters of existance 14 billion years to produce us. Sure, if there was some intelligence behind the design of our lil' mudball of a planet it might have taken 5 to 10 thousand years but geological surveys and carbon dating throws that timeframe right out the window.
  17. Sorry for your shock and disbelief, but Mass Effect is a damn good game. It has great voice acting, good amount of action, good replay value, and it is downright fun to play. Bottom line, Mass Effect is more fun to play than Fallout 1 thusly knocks it out of its #1 position.
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