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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I bet when she becomes an adult she will go into politics.
  2. No, I think Llyr is the jealous type.
  3. I got CoD4 back. I am kind of scared of putting it in. I'm not a FPS type person.
  4. "One of their own?" She isn't even in the same class as Heston. I don't see why someone would hate the NRA. They are about responsible use of firearms for hunting and personal protection. What the hell is wrong with that?
  5. Sand


    If I was the whole world would be in trouble. I like pressing big red buttons. (tee hee )
  6. Did I miss something? Why would Heston's death make Rosie happy?
  7. Sand


    In any case if we, the US government and people, are going to claim to have higher moral values than those who are our enemies we need to abandon all use of torture.
  8. Not exactly impressive or ground breaking.
  9. I simply made a post, then realize I was wrong, and without the ability to delete it I simply minimized it in its edit. Of course, Llryanor has to make a big deal over something trivial.
  10. Sand


    It was over his head and between his knees.
  11. Now now, Visceris. You're hardly one to talk. Of course. That's why it is fun.
  12. If it doesn't make it so then why are you being so defensive?
  13. What kind of legal issues can their be in allowing keyboard and mouse?
  14. Sand


    The only thing it made the US look like was the bad guy. Only the bad guys use torture if you follow popular media.
  15. That seems like a silly limitation on Microsoft parts. They need to amend that.
  16. Only time the government should intervene is when the parent loses custody of the child and the child becomes ward of the state. Up to that point, the government has no right to tell how a parent raises his or her kid. If the parent "failz" then the child should be taken away from the parent, and any subsequent children thereafter as well, but that should only happen in cases of abuse and neglect.
  17. Is that your best Eddo impression, Krezy?
  18. "Um... Where did that Shadow Priest go?"
  19. Sand


    Hey, if the CIA uses torture to save American lives so be it, but our government shouldn't try to sell itself as the good guys. Those who have good moral leadership and ethics would never allow the use of torture for whatever the reason. Since Bush allows torture he is not a good moral and ethical leader.
  20. The whole keyboard and mouse thing doesn't really apply to the XBox 360 anyway, since you can plug in a USB mouse and keyboard in the system. Hell, they have a mini-keyboard hookup for the controller.
  21. Would you care to come up with any facts, or at least a coherent arguement to substantiate your claims, or to dispute any point that I made? Putting on superior airs and insulting my intelligence does nothing to bolster your position, nor does it weaken mine. And your point? We are discussing opinions here, not facts. Please, keep up.
  22. It has nothing to do with the hardware, Gabs. It doesn't matter if the game is on the XBox 360 or the PC, or both. When dealing with the raw processing power and capabilities of this current generation of console compared to mid level PCs the power level and capabilities are pretty much even. Its a matter of software, the design choices going into the game that will make or, more than likely, break Fallout 3. In any case the old vanguard of Fallouters are in the severe minority. Fallout 3 will sell and sell well, even if not a single old school Fallout fan buys a copy of Fallout 3.
  23. No amount of praise nor any amount of bitching will change the way Bethesda makes games. Those who are the old vangaurd of Fallout players have two options. Get the game or not get the game. I had enough of games being Fallout in name only with Fallout Tactics and FOPOS.
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