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Everything posted by Sand

  1. There is no such thing as a perfect game.
  2. I have to agree with Guard Dog here. When the government gets into the personal life of its citizens things can go very wrong very quickly.
  3. What they need to do is make a Icewind Dale game exactly like they did it with the Infinity Engine but this time use the newest Unreal Engine. :D
  4. In my ever so humble opinion Bioware's quality in their games, with the notable exception of Neverwinter Nights 1, have always been in the solid B range for a grade. They tend to be higher than average in quality, both in terms in gameplay and stability, but nothing ground breaking or risky in their formuliac design. Even Bioware's worse game, Neverwinter Nights 1, is better than some other companies' best games. Bioware has a predictable and consistant level of sustainable quality that others tend to lack but are rarely innovative.
  5. My main beef with China is its total disregard for basic human rights. If people want to protest an action of the government, and do so without causing property damage or hurting others then they should be allow to do so. You don't bring in armed soldiers and tanks to attack unarmed civilians.
  6. Can't go wrong with Doctor Who or Torchwood.
  7. There is a difference here. In China, people are being imprisoned and killed for speaking against the government. Here, we are discussing people who should get executed for raping minors and who have commited premeditated murder. If you can't see the difference then something is seriously wrong with you.
  8. I like Jade Empire, damn it. I like it a lot.
  9. True enough. Some people may get the guilty verdict even if all the evidence is circumstancial while a guilty person may get off because of incompetent prosecution (or a damn good defense attorney).
  10. That is why I put in "as much as possible" in my statement.
  11. Are you saying that there having been any advances in forensic sciences in the last 20 years, Laozi? I think you are mistaken on this.
  12. I don't buy Chinese made products as much as possible. They tend to be inferior in most cases.
  13. I am for the Death Penalty. I also think that we need to streamline the judicial process to make give the Death Penalty some real teeth. I don't like it when condemned prisoners have to "wait" 10 to 15 years after their sentencing to get executed. 2 to 3 years should be at the most. The execution should be quick, to the point, and utmost as economical in time and resources as possible. A single hollowpoint bullet into the brain should do quite nicely. Also I don't like "life without parole" sentences. These are problematic at best. One, it is giving resources of the state over to feed, clothe, and shelter a prisoner that returns nothing to society, and two allows the prisoner a chance to escape confinement to cause havoc later on. Sentences of "Life without Parole" should be elevated to execution. Now people here are going to complain about my lack of compassion or some crap like that. I don't care about giving any compassion to these criminals. I rather think of the victims that these worthless people have harmed. Label it as you will. Justice, revenge, or whatever. As for the "getting the wrong guy" scenerio that is becoming less and less a possibility due to advances in forensic science.
  14. Only way for China to change is to boycott China, in total. In trade, in the Olympics, and force their hand to change. Diplomacy with the carrot has failed.
  15. He is? Why didn't anyone tell me before this! DAMN YOU, TINA TURNER!
  16. Um... My revised top 10... 1. Mass Effect 2. Fallout 1 3. Neverwinter Nights 2 4. Planescape Torment 5. Fallout 2 6. Baldur's Gate 1 7. Ultima 4 8. Baldur's Gate 2 9. Jade Empire 10. Ultima 7
  17. I hate beer. Well, American Beer at least.
  18. Everyone has the right to believe what they will as long as they don't try to force what they believe on others. The only way that is possible is to keep religion and state separate. Religion is a private affair, not a public one and thusly should be removed from public venues such as public schools.
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