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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I am not saying we should go off and kill half the human population, just curb our reproduction rate just a bit. Abstinence, birth control, abortions and the like can be useful tools in controlling human population growth.
  2. I am not worried about it. I just won't buy a game that uses it.
  3. That's good news, and sorts out my last remaining issue with the DRM. That is only if they go under or remove server access, otherwise they will not release a patch, Steve. Bioware has stated this.
  4. Lowering the human population is the best way of doing it, and if we do it in combination of Muso said I think it would go a long way to make the planet a bit better off.
  5. Hey, if you didn't want to discuss MEPC why make a thread about it?
  6. Moatie has it right. Only if they go under or cut access to the servers will they remove DRM, and not before. These draconian copy protection measures will only succeed in killing PC gaming. Because of DRM I am going to stick to consoles for all my gaming. Yes, they did release a tool, Morgie, but EA/Bioware are not.
  7. First problem I have with it is that it forces the player to be online to install the game. Secondly, you get only 3 activations with the game. 3. That is it. Once they are used up you get no more. There is no way even to unuse an activation if you uninstall the game. After 3 you have to call EA customer service and we all know how much a pain calling customer service can be. Too many limitations makes the PC version nonviable.
  8. ME360 is a very good game, but I wouldn't touch the PC version due to its DRM SecuROM protection scheme.
  9. No video game, but simple logic. If we want to remove food shortages and not use up so much fossil fuels we need to lower our population. Currently we have around 6 billion people on this lil' mudball so if we drop our population by half it goes to reason that we would use up half as much resources, therefore not have any shortages.
  10. I think the optimal human population would be somewhere around 2 to 3 billion people on a Earth sized planet.
  11. Well, going off and hoping an extinction of a species is wrong, we are seriously overpopulated. We need to find a way to cut our numbers down and the best way of doing that would be aborting unwanted children, widespread use of birth control, and the like. There is always news about food and water shortages, fuel shortages, and whatnot. If we had a more managable population we wouldn't have shortages.
  12. May I remind you that homophobia is gay... The fear of lesbians is happy?
  13. Yes, and quality is what separates them. So far at least........ What are some console RPGs? Prime examples would be the various JRPGs that get imported.
  15. Even Bioware's worse game is still better than some companies' best games.
  16. We invaded Iraq on false pretenses therefore the accusation of invading for oil is valid. If our motivation was truly to topple a tyrant and to help the people then there woul have been no need to falsify and alter the intelligence reports the way Bush's cronies did. It is a matter of motivation.
  17. I appreciate the notion that I sometimes have good taste. However I am canceling my order of the PC version of the game. Its copy protection scheme is a little to draconian for my taste.
  18. What can I say? I don't see the need to say anything on this. It is a travesty that their government is allowance this level of suffering and not doing anything. I wish I ccould put a bullet in each head of the ruling junta, but I doubt the US government will get directly involved. There is no oil there. There is a difference of responsibility and the willingness to help, Walker. Is it our responsibility to help these people? No. Should we help these people if we can? Yes. It is the matter of motivation.
  19. It would be nice if we used the Metric System. The reasons why I don't like Hilary CLinton... 1. Bill Clinton: I don't want him anywhere near the White House in any shape or form. 2. NAFTA. 3. Hilary is easily duped. Bush persuaded her to vote for the Iraqi War while Obama was against it from the get go, even though he wasn't in COngress when it started. 4. Hilary represents the status quo of Democrats, add to the fact it would become some sort of dynasty thing with Bush, then Clinton, then Bush, then back to Clinton. No thank you. 5. Hilary is also very divisive. Republicans largely do not like her, and even some conservative Democrats don't like her. She doesn't play well with others. 6. Bosnian "sniper." I could go on but these are the main reasons why I don't like her. I am not against a woman president but I am against Hilary CLinton being president. Nancy Pelosi would be nice and could be a good running mate for Obama. She or Richardson.
  20. The bulk of Sunni insurgents and the Shiite militias are Iraqis. Instead of working together to make a better country they are fighting and killing themselves, their fellow Iraqis who have not picked up arms, and us. We cannot force a lasting peace on those who wish to kill. It is futile to do so. The responsibility is theirs, not ours. Its their country, not ours.
  21. We are occupiers, invaders of Iraq. Nothing more. It isn't our responsibility to build nations. The only people that can build Iraq into a nation are the Iraqis. No one else. We can help them, but if they refuse to do so, if they refuse to look past their differences then we cannot force them into a single cohesive nation. It is a act of futility to even try. The US invasion gave the Iraqis the opportunity to forge a new future, to build a new nation for themselves. They failed. No matter how much money we pour into that country or how many troops we waste nothing is going to change unless the Iraqis take charge and stop fighting amongst themselves. It is a money pit, a waste of resources. We given Iraq more than a adequate chance for them to forge a nation without tyranny. The Iraqis chose to fight each other. They chose to squander the opportunity the US gave them. Are we to reward such behavior? No, that would be stupid. There is no timetable. We invaded on false pretenses, the main reason why we should leave immediately, and given how much time and money we have already spent if Iraq can't gett their act together by now they never will.
  22. That was over 2 centuries ago, therefore irrelevant. Also, Iraq was never a US colony. Nice try, but no cigar.
  23. Hey, I am all for helping people but it comes to a point in which a person needs to show that they can take care of themselves. There is a time when the training wheels have to come off. We already have been in Iraq for years, spent billions and billions of dollars in that country, along expending a great deal of other resources and lost lives. Enough is enough. We gave Iraqi people the chance to form a nation without Saddam's tyrrany. They failed. Why should the US continue to pay the cost of their failure?
  24. Iraqis need to take care of themselves. If they can't see pass their own petty differences then that is their problem, not ours.
  25. Of course not. That would undermine US security.
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