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Everything posted by Sand

  1. True, one can only act on the information he is given and Bushie and his cronies likes to manipulate information. One of the reasons why I would be very happy if we just up and left Iraq. We invaded that country on false pretenses, therefore we should immediately leave.
  2. All politicians lie, Hilde. Its how the game is played.
  3. Actually I am hoping that he gets Colin Powell and put him to good use, unlike Bushie.
  4. I think the whole world might get a vested interest to who will be the next US preseident for he or she will be the one who will have to clean up Bush's mess. I just hope it is Obama and he gets our forces out of that useless quagmire of a war in Iraq. It is long past time for the Iraqis to stand on their own.
  5. Its the forcing to connect with a server that is getting people, along with the severely limited amount of activations. Remove the activation limits and the force connect then I wouldn't have a problem with it.
  6. They still do. Dragon Age and ME2 is coming, SOnic can be ignored but I am sure it will still be in typical Bioware quality. Just because you don't like a certain platform the game is on does not make it a bad game.
  7. Alan, ME is a single player game thusly it should not even need the Internet to play it, thusly it is accessing the Internet without permission. I am not going oinstall a game like that on my PC.
  8. And that is exactly what I am doing. I have already cancelled my pre-order and until things change I won't be getting ME for the PC, nor any future game that uses this sort of copy protection scheme.
  9. Why? When I open up the browser I am giving permission for my computer to go online. To share information through uploading and downloading. When I am no longer making use of the Internet with my varied programs I physically disconnect from the Internet. I shouldn't have to be connected to the Internet to play a single player game, period.
  10. If they remove the install limit then, and only then will this deal be viable.
  11. YAY ME! What Bioware changed is a step in the right direction but a I'm still leery when information from my comptuer is getting sent elsewhere without my express permission and not knowing exactly what information is being sent.
  12. Stop marking lines on meeeeeeeeeee! *runs and hides*
  13. Yes, but I don't have PDF files, Officie files, media files, website addresses I frequent, and so forth stored on my console. If this software can determine my system configuration who knows what other information they may recieve off my PC.
  14. I don't like it when my computer hooks up totheinternet and starts sending information to other computers without my direct control. I just won't get games with this style of copy protection. If this is the way PC gaming is going, I will stick to console.
  15. Good point there, Walsh, and something I wholeheartedly agree with. As for choosing orders I had the choice of being stationed at Pearl Harbor or stationed at Boston. Being part of the Pacific Fleet or a tour guide.
  16. No, not a cadillac. A GOD-DAMN SEMI! ...then a bus. ...then a helicoptor. ...then Brucie's bald head.
  17. Personally I ignore achievements. I have the "auto-notifier" turned off on my XBox 360. I don't even know where and when I pick up an achievement and I particularly never cared.
  18. GTA seems to be the anti-CSI. GTA *insert city name*. CSI *Insert City Name*. HAHAHA!
  19. I remember playing the original all so many years ago... Man, I feel old.
  20. I think a submarine is more worrisome. Never go on a boat that sinks on purpose.
  21. Got home from work, logged on tot he internet, logged off, slept, went to Iron Man, came home, slept, logged on the Internet, soon to log off, then go back to sleep.
  22. You know what I would love to see when GTA4 hits the PC. A Vampire-The Masquerade/Bloodlines total conversion. Imagine a huge open city in which to hunt and feed, and the ability to do your own freaking driving.
  23. I give Iron Man a grade of B-. A good flick, with some flaws, but ultimately enjoyable.
  24. Personally I like it when they die, and the car keeps going, crashing into other cars then ultimate smashing into a wall, sparking on fire, then exploding in a fireball, taking out a rushing police car passing by. It makes me hungry for roasted marshmellows and smores.
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