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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Our tax dollars at work! If RPGCodex can't stop Fallout 3, maybe the US government will. HA! Todd Howard to Guantamano!
  2. There are a quite a number of things I don't like about 4e but there are somethings I do like. I think I will tear 4e apart and disgard what I don't like and fill it in with Arcana Evolved material.
  3. Well, it seems that the static only happens when I play mp3s. It doens't make the static sound when I got a game going, but then I have only tested ME and Crysis so far. Oh, my CPU is ordered. I am wondering how much of a performance boost I will be getting from going froma 3ghz 800 FSB Cedar Mill single core to 3ghz 1333 FSB Core 2 Duo dual core.
  4. What do you expect from a 900 year old woman?
  5. If you have read the Tome of Magic for 3.5e there was a class in there calle the Binder that makes pacts with various fallen powers to gain abilities. The Warlock can do this in 4e if that is the route the player wants to go with his or her character.
  6. I wonder how much a 1 Terrabyte Flash drive would cost...
  7. It better be. Its Marina Sirtis.
  8. I decided to go with this look for my male character... Better than Mr. Unibrow wannabe I think. Here is some more wonderful pics! Gabs, you need to get this game.
  9. The bad guy. Must have taken it when he was still in motion. Another pic of the bad guy being bad...
  10. I thought this pic was pretty nice.
  11. No. I was trying for a Vin Diesel type creature.
  12. The pic of my first Shepherd for the MEPC.
  13. When I got a Xbox 360 because of a Bioware game I bought also for the PC.
  14. True enough. I could just imagine BG down in ME's game engine. That would be so cool.
  15. Hmmm... My top 3 films are Blade Runner, 12 Monkeys, and Strange Days.
  16. Did you figure out what your problem was, BD? I got the same error but once I put the launcher in Admin mode it worked.
  17. I got the OC version from BFG but I am having some technical issues dealing with static sound. I reinstalled my Sound Blaster drivers and placed the card in another PCI slot which helped but still I am getting a little bit bled through. Any ideas?
  19. I freely admit that I am one sad Bio-Fanboy. Admitting that you have a problem is the first step so they say, but is it that much of a problem?
  20. Why bring KotOR 2 into this. I though we are discussing Bioware games, not Obsidian's. Soon I will be installing MEPC... Just as soon as I finish up downloding and installing drivers for my new video card.
  21. I always buy locally first. If there is a product available at small shops and at the larger stores, I go spend my money at the mom and pop stores first, even if the product is more expensive. If there is no mom and pop stores that have the product I am looking for then I go for the larger but still local stores. I only go online to shop if there is absolutely no place local to buy what I need. Its my way of helping out the local economy. Besides, if the product is defective it is far easier to go back to the shop and get a replacement or my money back than having to RMA it. In any case I went for the BFG 8800GT.
  22. Good thing I'm not Hades then.
  23. Hey, its Nick Cage. Who would say "No, you can't enter here" to Nick Cage?
  25. Okay, I got my wonderful "We're Not In a Recession" Recession check and going to get a couple of upgrades. The primary upgrade is a Core 2 Duo 6850 CPU. Newegg has it at $185 new sop I think that is a good buy and I trust Newegg. However things get a little murky when it comes to my video card upgrade. I like to buy local as much as possible. Hell, if there was a store locally that I could buy the CPU at I would but there isn't. Now, we have a local best Buy store selling BGF 9600 GT for $200, A BFG 8800GT for $250, and a Visiontek Radeon HD3870 for $250. Of those three video cards which do you guys think would be best? I do have a SLI compatible motherboard so I am leaning towards the Nvidia chipset, but I have also been a long time ATI user.
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