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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Yeah, I know it would be a nigh-impossible task, which begs the question why would such buggers use the Internet to warn their victims if their vicitms would have a impossible chance of getting the warning? Of course asking for these nutjobs to think rationally on this point would be an exercise in futility at best.
  2. He better use protection.
  3. The man that did these attacks in Japan also sent a warning of sorts via the Internet. That seems to be an outlet for discontents to "warn" their victims. If countries had a more active law enforcement that over saw the Internet in local grids such warnings could be more readily seen. Of course, most people wouldn't want "Big Brother" overlooking their Internet visitations.
  4. Sounds pretty good. Once finished I wouldn't mind reading it, but alas the closest I get to Portuguese was one year of college Latin.
  5. Swashbuckler would be a good new base class. Better than the Scout or Knight that is for sure. I just would love to have a Halfling Conjurer/Sorcerer/Ultimate Magi/Master Specialist in the game.
  6. If you go the indie game route would you be doing an overview of the indie game market and its historical roots, or would you write about specific indie games and their devs? I prefer the latter over the former, but if it is going to be a long enough article or a series of articles it might be to cover both.
  7. He must have a laptop with WiFi.
  8. Only prestige classes I want are the Mystic Theurge, Eldritch Theurge, Eldritch Disciple, Master Specialist, and Ultimate Magi. Any one of them would make me happy.
  9. I will be getting it nonetheless, for at least completeness sake.
  10. What? Archie?
  11. However the game is only suppose to be 15 hours long. Hardly seems worth it.
  12. Expansions tend to cast True Ressurection on old titles.
  13. I think the article on Shadowrun would be pretty cool. I liked the game for the Genesis, and well I am going ot be running a Shadowrun campaign soon. Also an article on Indie games would be cool and give those who are doing them a little free publicity. Those two have my vote.
  14. Agreed. More money is spent on punishing the crime instead of understanding why the crime took place. If we eliminate the "motivations" for such criminal behavior there wouldn't be such behavior.
  15. No doubt. A week or so ago we had a EF5 tornado that tore up a town near where I live. A mile wide tornado that ended up practically destroying the town, but with only 7 dead. The fact that there wasn't a higher death toll is a miracle.
  16. Bad day for Shepherd then things got better. He then made a new friend and made someone else have a bad day.
  17. I lost all respect for Kaiden when he
  18. Sand

    Dr. Who

    Forest of the Dead kicked ass.
  19. Hmmm... Male character with Jennifer Hale's voice...
  20. Kaiden is not a crybaby, he just sounds like one because of his voice actor's connection to Carth.
  21. They wouldn't get any love here, Walsh. Another day of thunderstorms and tornadoes. There have been rain and tornadoes practically a week and a half straight. Its kind of getting on my nerves.
  22. I think that might need a mod, but side burns would be cool.
  23. You don't know what a smeghead is? What is wrong withthe youth today? You need to watch all the seasons Red Dwarf straight through!
  24. A smeghead.
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