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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Noveria. Normally I do Noveria before Feros, but always do Virmire last. You will need the levels.
  2. No problem. If you have any other Mass Effect questions, feel free to ask.
  3. If they ever do release it, I agree.
  4. I had my console hooked in through my PC, using my PC speakers and monitor for sound and display. Yes, but I presume you have a desktop monitor and PC speakers, whereas I only have a notebook computer. If you want to PC game a Desktop is really the only way to go unless you can aford a $3000 laptop.
  5. I just don't like the Star Wars setting.
  6. No, you are a culturist! Wait, that doesn't sound right. At least the game looks better than Diablo 3!
  7. Well, I do tend to play wizards or fighter/wizards who specialized in creating items, weapons, and armor. I like playing characters who made things and specifically makes his or her own gear. You know, self-sufficient characters. Hell, in 3.5e I found a way, through a handy spell and a magic amulet, that allowed my wizard to heal himself through his arcane magic.
  8. Hey, it works. All my gaming in one place is very nice.
  9. I had my console hooked in through my PC, using my PC speakers and monitor for sound and display.
  10. I am not saying that EA will cause changes at Bio, but they can if they wanted to because EA is, ultimately, in control.
  11. The three main things that irks me in 4e is the lack of the Crafting skill, multiclassing, and the removal of the Vancian spell system.
  12. I am thinking that ME2 and ME3 will have more interesting side missions that will be more along the lines of the "Bring Down the Sky" downable content than what was in ME1.
  13. Demiurge did a terrible job of it, but as far as I am concern Bioware has been consumed by EA and are basically the same company now.
  14. Magister Lajciak, the PC version is still very buggy and a patch has yet been released for it. It is a good game, but it is definitely not without its faults, however with games like ME, GTA4, Lost Odyssey (Best JRPG I have ever played), and the like investing in a XBox 360 is very much worth it. And yes, Wrath of Dagon, ME is better than either KotORs by the mere fact alone that it isn't Star Wars. Well, Bioware did go down hill a little with NWN1 and KotOR1, but have regained momentum with JE and ME.
  15. Besides, if you already own the game, Llyr, just play it and make up your own mind.
  16. Llyr, you making a serious post about something is as rare as an informed Fox News panelist. Also, what is up with the obnoxiously abundant pics in your sig? Pick one, already! Preferably the LOLcopter.
  17. If the party took a short rest then no, it wouldn't be the same encounter. If they just drudged on, then technically, yes it would be the same encounter. A short rest is basically a 5 minute breather before moving on.
  18. They are the same entity. EA owns Bioware. They are the same company, same corporation. EA isn't just publishing Bioware's games. THEY OWN BIOWARE, completely and totally.
  19. You guys are actually taking Llyr's post seriously?
  20. EA is Bioware. Bioware is EA. In case you aren't in the know EA owns Bioware.
  21. Besides, its always good to take what ever Bioware says with a grain of salt. They still don't have "Bring Down the Sky" available for the MEPC even though the box states it is "included."
  22. Well, in this case removing children from education is grounds for charges of neglect. She should have her children removed from her because of it.
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