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Everything posted by Sand

  1. In degree of importance I agree, the one that was in KotOR was higher on the importance scale but I think it was poorly executed while the one in ME was done very well but in the scope of the story was fairly inconsequential.
  2. I don't see why they do. They only have one really bad game.
  3. If someone inside did tell and he or she is found it, it would be instant pink slip time I would bet.
  4. Silly Morgoth, aren't you forgetting the power of the F5 key?
  5. And it will regardless if I know or not of their business dealings.
  6. It had nothing to do with intelligence. It all had to do with how observant you were. Following all the clues and poorly planned foreshadowing.
  7. The one thing that irked me about KotOR is that it was so blatant and obvious in its so called plot twists that our character should have been able to figure it out rather early on instead of being "surprised." Forcing the character to be "surprised" when the player is not is just bad design and bad writing. In Mass Effect I was actually surprised on a few things which means Bioware did improve on the writing between KotOR 1 and ME.
  8. I don't particularly care if the industry considers a game a failure or success. All I care about is if the game is fun. Let the publishers and developers worry about if a game is a commercial success or not. Its none of our business anyway.
  9. Then you heard wrong. Australia was very nice when I visited there, particalurly Sydney. I went to this one gaming store that was a mix of PC gaming, PnP gaming, with music and videos. They had a mint condition MS-DOS version of Ultima IV.
  10. That makes a bit more sense to me, Nickie, but I am not well verse in Australia's import/export laws.
  11. Bah, you didn't get the movie reference! SHAME ON YOU! I am not English. I am an Iowan.
  12. Do we get to kill the English?
  13. So, getting drunk is the mother of invention? Man, they must have really gotten smashed when they made the A-Bomb.
  14. I chose Other. I rather have a character like Vin Diesel's in "XXX." I found it rather humorous that the James Bond type gets killed in the first 5 minutes of the movie.
  15. YAY! I'm Psychotic!
  16. Get Llyr's tongue out of it. That might help.
  17. By Common Plebs, For Common Plebs.
  18. Nah. Bethesda is still making it.
  19. They had better skip the use of DRM. After the hassles I have had with it while trying to get MEPC to work I am most certainly not buying another game that uses DRM.
  20. Back when Bioware and Pandemic joined together under Elevation.
  21. 7000 years ago humans were pretty much at their modern stage. Cro-Magnom species was more about 70,000 to 50,000 years ago.
  22. When I play I play almost exclusively wizards and don't have than much of a problem with choosing the right spells at the right time. Mind you I did create quite a number of wands, and occasionally went into melee combat with swords drawn on occasion.
  23. Pessism? Maybe, but I remember what EA did to Origin Systems and Westwood. I am leery about the future of any company that bought out by EA.
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