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Everything posted by Sand

  1. But will it be real time, turn base, or pause and play?
  2. Correction, 25 years. He or she might be the basement living type.
  3. True enough, I just prefer that they don't.
  4. Hate to break it to you, Draconians are not Dragonborn.
  5. Yes, but the Pit Fiend subset is with the Devil species, and not the Demon species.
  6. I guess if I want good American beer I need to go to Colorado. Still, the level on how much Keystone Light 30 packs I sell disgusts me.
  7. Its hard to be too negative about a game that lets you play a naked chick that lets you summon hordes of undead to beat on people.
  8. Yay! I earned my NERD CARD today!
  9. Well, a lot of good that does me. As for that banana flavored beer, I think it is imported from Germany. They have it at a local bar that I go to once in a while called "London Underground." I don't love all beer, but I do love good beer. Big world of difference. Ah, found the name of it. Its called Hefeweizen. Damn good beer.
  10. I have no doubt that Obsidian can make a "decent" MMO. I just prefer they didn't. Selfish, yes, but its a good kind of selfish. At least to me. As for Bioware being better than Obsidian, I don't see one being better than the other. Both have very different styles, yet many similarities. The only thing Bioware has better than Obsidian is probably resources, given the fact that Bioware has the money earned from the sells of 8 completed games, and a big name publisher, EA, paying the bills, compared to Obsidian's 2 released games and being still an independent company.
  11. The balor is the equivelent to the pit fiend on the demon side of things.
  12. How about Solomon Grundy and Poison Ivy?
  13. i thought he was a devil? taks A pit fiend is a type of devil.
  14. there are plenty of beers that don't taste bad, but any of the major beers (A-B, Miller, Coors, etc.) produced in the US, including the crap from across the border (particularly Corona), are arguably piss-water. good micro-brews abound, as well as a few major brands (such as sam adams, which is no longer a micro-brew but regularly wins beer contests around the world). oddly, pabst blue-ribbon wins taste-tests regularly, too. taks True enough. There are a couple of gems in the manure, but only a few.
  15. For the most part I hate the taste of beer. It tastes like urine mixed with soap water. However there was this one imported beer I tried that wasn't too bad. It had a slight banana flavor, but I can't remember the name but it was most certainly an imported beer. American beers, for the most part, are crap.
  16. "MMO, please" is the thread title is it not? You want quality online experiences yet clamouring for a MMO. There is not a single MMO out there that I consider a "quality" game. Not a single one. You know, there are other things one can do to pass the time than just game. Read a book, take classes at a community college, create some mods, and the like. Yes, and there are dozens of MMos out there for you to waste your money on. If you want games to work out of the box 100% of the time, go console. If I need to learn to read then you need to learn to do research. Then don't buy them. Problem solved. And that is our problem? Online gaming is only as exciting as the people playing it. After all, its online, interacting with other people. If WoW is getting boring it is because the people playing are boring. They have been saying that since the late 90's. After a decade of that "doom and gloom" PC gaming is still around. Who would have thunk it? Yeah, its called NWN2. That is how far I want to see an Obsidian game online. I rather they focus on good, solid and interesting stories in single player games.
  17. Technically I wa a E3 undesignated seaman, but I worked with ATs, HTs, the Gunner Mates, the fire control people, the IT petty officer, the Yeoman's office, and pretty much being a JOAT for the two years I was in. I even got to paint the perfectly good ocean grey haul ocean grey. It seems like every 3 to 4 weeks I was in a different department.
  18. What's wrong with the camera?
  19. Only those who don't have clearence.
  20. Good luck with it. I hope you have a better experience with the military than I did.
  21. Who knows. Maybe they are working on KotOR 3 and the KotOR MMO. Or that the EA statements or this listing is a red herring just to mess with our heads. you mean we have heads to mess with? Um... I would hope so. I think it would be pretty hard to game being a decapitated corpse.
  22. If they do the two villain style as they did in the first two movies I say Catwoman and Riddler.
  23. Sounds like you got a plan GD. I hope things work out. I wish I could say the same.
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