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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I am saying that kids wouldn't think about the grenade killing people. They would probably think that you pull the pin, throw, and run, and there will be a really loud boom. He;;, when I was fifteen I never even seen a grenade. Heard about them, but never had any experience with them either in real life or in gaming. We don't have much need for military hardware in the middle of Iowa.
  2. Exactly. When I was 15 I would have no idea how much damage a grenade would do or even considering the consequences of my actions a whole lot. Think about how you guys were like at 15 and putyourself in his shoes. How many of us truly knew the full extent of our actions and the the long term affect would be?
  3. In my view this suspect is a child and to treat him as a "terrorist" is child abuse. They simply need to rule whether or not, in a court of law, if he is to be tried as an adult then put him on trial.
  4. The question now is why did he go there. HE MUST BE A TERRORIST! Send him to Gitmo now!
  5. I would place that Van Damme Street Fighter lower than MK: Annihilation.
  6. There has only been one game franchise that has made a decent movie series and that is Resident Evil. The rest are just crap.
  7. On camera, not bad. Off camera, who knows.
  8. I wonder if they will get WoW on the IPhone.
  9. That is why I am holding off final judgment on the game. If they make significant improvements over Oblivion then all might be good.
  10. Also if he didn't go through with it what do you think those who gave him the grenade in the first place would have done to him? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  11. Which is fine by me. The less MMORPGs and more single player CRPGs the better.
  12. Perhaps, but we can only wait and see for now.
  13. Hell, you don't need half of WoW's numbers to be successful.
  14. Might does not make right, Slug. Never has and never will.
  15. SS combat kicked major ass. I love the desrtuctable terrain aspects.
  16. We will probably see the consequences of those actions in ME2.
  17. Not always. Most kids at 15 to 16 years of age are highly impressionable, easy to manipulate, and control if you know the right triggers. You maybe right in this kid, but not all. He did, however, an act of aggression and should be duly punished for that but lets not let one mistake condemn him for the rest of his life.
  18. Stalker is a FPS, not a CRPG. Fallout 3 is suppose to be a CRPG. I also agree with you Nick, the RP/talking aspects of Fallout were damn good and are more important than anything else when it comes to make a good Fallout game, but I still like the old turn base combat more than the real time elements they are putting.
  19. My definition of Fallout is Fallout 1 and 2. Muso, at first I was adamant that Fallout 3 was going to be a bad Fallout game, along the lines of FOPOS, but now seeing some more material of the game I am not so sure. I will remain skeptical of it until I play the game myself.
  20. There are times in which we do need a man behind the grassy knoll.
  21. My only beef with this is that he is still just a kid and most kids make stupid decisions based on their inexperience or naivity. He was captured at 15 and at the time of this interview he was 16. Just a kid. Beyond that I have to agree with you, Walsh.
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