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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Well, according to Red Dwarf, JFK shot JFK.
  2. Hey, Patrick, there is one sure way that you could convince me. *hint* *hint* I would be more than willing to tell you guys everything you are doing wrong and right in the game. FOR FREE! Can't go wrong with that, right? Right?
  3. I never said that it is realistic. ME is hardly realistic in any sense of the word, Nicky-boy. I said it makes sense for the setting in how they justified it. Read what is there and not what you want to be there.
  4. Its not the gameplay, its the justification through setting and story that matters. If you have read the background and the technology depicted in Mass Effect it makes sense to have the weaponry have unlimited ammunition. However with Alpha Protocol, a setting that does not use such advance technology and more on par of current tech, it makes sense for the game not use unlimited ammunition. It does not come down to realism, Nick. In fact the only one who brought up realism is you. Loser. It all comes down to the game's setting and background.
  5. I know it would be less than optimal, probably somewhere in the negatives but this is a modern era game is it not? It would allow players to choose which route they want to go. Do they want an easy game or a harder game. I rather have no unlimited ammunition. Nothing annoys me more than anything than unlimited ammo in which the technology for which simply does not exist. It makes sense in Mass Effect due to the way weapontech has developed in the 23rd century, but early 21st? I don't think so.
  6. Easy. Use cheatcodes, gamesharks and trainers even. That's considered as the other choice right? Or have it be a part of the game difficulty slider.
  7. I would only accept that if the person signing was Volourn.
  8. I rather play him as Captain Jack Harkness if you don't mind. However I don't think that will be an option.
  9. Oh, and the answer is no. Why would you want to?
  10. Third Rule of Gaming: The first stated release date is never the actual release date.
  11. That does not change the gender, Xard. It sorta does though. Sex is biological. I believe gender is considered to be more sociological. D'OH!
  12. TEETH! TEETH! Eat the zombie before it eats you!
  13. Guns can run out of bullets. Chainsaws can run out of gass. Real men use swords.
  14. WHich is why I always double check signature and name on the card.
  15. My new CPU is out on delivery! YAY!
  16. This is not Icewind Dale 2! ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGH!
  17. Yes, that is very funny.
  18. I took a semester or two of Latin. Its a hard class on the college level, especially compared to Old English. I really don't know why I took Latin in the first place, nor Old English for that matter.
  19. Sand

    Dr. Who

    There is no reason why she couldn't pull a Martha Jones and be in both series.
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