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Everything posted by Sand

  1. They have hoes that can travel faster than the speed of light?!?!? WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  2. What? Nobody gets a Spaceballs reference when they see one?
  3. Sounds like it belongs in the PnP forum, but the premise of it has potential. I would, however, try to come up with better names than Freedor.
  4. There is only one side in science and that is going by the empirical evidence at hand and applying the scientific method. You can't do that with Intelligent Design because its roots lie with religious belief and not sound scientific thought, Krookie. Intelligent Design does not belong with science. It belongs in Religious Studies.
  5. I have no problems with Intelligent Design being taught in public schools, just as long as it isn't taught as hard science or biology. It belongs with religious studies and the social sciences.
  6. Okay, I got my hands on Eternal Sonata and Lost Odyssey. My initial view of Lost Odyssey... MY GOD! THEY WENT TO PLAID!
  7. Thanks for the link. Downloading it now. So far I have never had any problems with Vista. XP was okay, and ME was a nightmare. So far, Vista has been a very smooth ride.
  8. Eh? Never had a problem with that assassin. He often targets poor Imoen first with me.
  9. I never said that it was fact, Walker. What I see here about the scienctist being expelled from Expelled is the fact that the Intelligent Design people do not wish to have a debate based on scientific evidence.
  10. In truth we cannot know with any degree of certainty of how we came to be. All we have is to look at the evidence before us and make a best guess out of what is most plausible.
  11. It all boils down to what is plausible and what the evidence shows. Is it plausible some great invisible entity created the universe and life on earth in six days ten to fifteen thousand years ago, all the while evidence points that it took much longer than that and the Earth is millions and millions of years old? I will side with the science over some religious mumbo jumbo trying to hide itself.
  12. I don't go by faith. Not any more at least. When I was a youngster I went to a nice Christian church, had faith in some higher power, and whatnot. Then I grew up and saw how silly and dangerous faith can be. I saw how organized religions are the source of great amount of social ills in this country and abroad.
  13. But... your country is demonstrating a blatant disregard for human rights and life + international law... Seems like an appropriate match to me... That's the fault of Republicans and gullible Democrats. Hopefully things will change once Obama is elected. Hopefully.
  14. Its the who monkey see monkey do thing. They are probably thinking "If Jesus did it, so can I." I tell you, Jesus is just a bad influence on people. Someone should sue.
  15. Eh? Just trying to separate the myth from fact, Walsh. In fact did you know that Jesus wasn't labeled to be God till a full 400 years after his death. At the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD he was proclaimed to be God and the Holy Trinity became doctrine.
  16. In my view, when it comes to mythic figures we need to take a look at what is actually plausible and remove the "supernatural" mumbo-jumbo. Now what is more plausible: A supernatural entity pregnanting Mary or Mary getting pregnant out of wedlock? I would say the latter than the former but given the way social and cultural misgivings for out of wedlock pregnancies back then Joseph and Mary probably concocted the story, being inspired by previous mythologies such as Zeus/Jupiter having his way with mortal women. A half-god son that could change the world sounds something more impressive than a bastard son who became fed up with the status quo as well. As with all myths there is often a kernal of truth hidden in the grandoise story.
  17. The truth is often somewhere in between, Azarkon. In any case I will never forget nor forgive the Tiamenen Square Massacre. For a country like ours to profess to love freedom and democracy we rewarded China for their blatant disregard for human rights and life with a favored traded agreement.
  18. It was an okay day. It was pretty slow at work. From 3am to 8am I did only $80 worth of business.
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