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Everything posted by Sand

  1. http://kotaku.com/366520/guitar-hero-for-t...in-8+bit-action One of the best computers ever built can now play Guitar Hero... Sort of. HA!
  2. I don't have a cow. I am not a dairy farmer or a rancher.
  3. Yeah, but that's how the boulder rolls up hill. Only lost $10 on it since I bought it on sale at Best Buy for $40 and sold it at Gamestop for $30.
  4. I am not getting worked up at all. I am just stating my opinion on character customization, or lack there of, in AP. No more and no less. If I was getting "worked up" I would be capitalizing more and use different fonts, sizes, and colors in the words I type.
  5. I won't say it is wholly inferior for every game has its strengths and weaknesses. For example PS:T is my third favorite game, but its character creation system sucks compared to its contemporaries. I prefer full customization of my character, but it is just one trait of many that makes a good CRPG.
  6. Llyr, why do you always have to be an ass and it there is no expertise about it. If you actually go to the Bioware forums there are a series of threads detailing how to recreate celebrity faces in Mass Effect. Try growing up a little. For those who can't do a simple search this is the latest thread on the subject with links to previous threads: http://masseffect.bioware.com/forums/viewt...0&forum=104
  7. It won't necessarily make the game better. In recent CRPGs such as Mass Effect and NWN2 that allows greater freedom to make our own characters at the same time not sacrifice gameplay nor story value of the game. By limiting choices for the player, by not giving the player a level of ownership of his or her character the designers are not making a better CRPG.
  8. I really see that as a cop out. If they want to make such limits then don't make a CRPG. Make an action adventure game instead.
  9. Saren Battle music from Mass Effect.
  10. I returned it because I was getting a lil' short of money last month. Never really played a whole lot of it. If I ever get bored with Mass Effect, Oblivion, Neverwinter Nights 2, Jade Empire, or Crysis I will pick it up again.
  11. Yeah, it is your fault. Through the facial customization of ME I have been able to mimic the faces of Summer Glau, Christina Ricci, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Jennifer Garner, George Takei (when he was younger), and something of a close approximation of Lucy Lu. I even made a nice looking asian goth for one game. Goth vs. Geth! Man, I wish I was able to take pics. I have yet been able to make a good Conan O'Brien or Nathan Fillion as of yet. You know I think that ME is the new standard for CRPGs for me. I think I like it more than Fallout. Oblivion's facial system is a bit trickier.
  12. What annoys me to no end with SGA is that they end the season with a cliffhanger, knowing full well that it will be months before the next episode. Personally I like how Torchwood and Doctor Who does it. They have a string of episodes that sometimes intertwined with a single plot thread that comes together in the last 2 to 3 episodes, and the season concludes with no loose strings. Each season is self contained.
  13. Sorry, but I don't buy that one bit. Take a good look at Mass Effect. It has a strong plotline with solid role play, yet it allows you to have a full range of character types to play as. Certainly your last name has to be Shepherd but that is the only limit of what is dictated by the game. What you say may be true a decade ago, but with how games have evolved since then. It is a step backwards in CRPG design.
  14. Is that really the best you can do? HA!
  15. The reason why eating meat is pleasurable is because we are omnivores, we aren't omnivores because eating meat is pleasurable.
  16. So? Your claim that eating meat is nothing to do with pleasure is moronic at best. Unsuprisingly. Can't think of a good argument so you resort to insults. Typical. I did not say eating meat is not pleasurable. I said that our species evolved as an omnivore, and eating meat helped that evolution. Pleasurable or not, it is how our species came to be. Read what is there, and not what you want to be there.
  17. Well, Chimps do have some human behavior traits. The able to use tools, to learn language, and so forth. They aren't human, of course, but they are the closest thing to human the animal kingdom has.
  18. If that is what matters to you then that matters to you. I see no reason to dis it.
  19. That's actually a legimite point IMO. I would really like to hear on why you have to play as a Sean Connary/Roger Moore-alpha-male. Why can't i be a 5ft 3" italian with a Rocky-complex? Or a 6ft 6" blonde dyke who hates men? Or a black "Leeeeeeeeroy Jennnnnnnnnnkins"? Even Mass Effect had a Leroy Jenkins.
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