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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Anyhoot, I have been thinking that it really doesn't matter what platform a game is on any more. If the game is fun, then that is what matters. Gabs, I think you are really missing out on Mass Effect. I really do. Mass Effect would only be better than the BG games if it was as long as BG2, with more planets to explore and a longer and more involved story line. Mass Effect is better than Jade Empire and Neverwinter Nights. No contest there.
  2. Which is the more dangerous country? The one who has nukes or the one that doesn't?
  3. While I am not against setting up diplomatic ties to Iran I am against any sort of negotiations with Al Qaeda. Only negotiation we need to do with them is at the business end of a gun. Kill them all. As for Pakistan, which is a nuclear power with an unstable government where militants and terrorists go for shelter, we need to eliminate them as an ally. Pakistan is more dangerous than Iran or North Korea. McCain I can respect but if he has either Romney or Huckabee as a vice I will not even bother. Those two wear their religion on their sleeve and I am afraid that they would use their political power to advance the agendas of their faiths. Being for the separation of church and state, I cannot with good conscience support those who use religion as a ticket to political office. I don't like anyone of them to be president to be honest. Too bad we can't get a mix. I would be all for McCain as president with Obama as Vice.
  4. Well, get it right next time. Don't use the ambiguity of the English language as an excuse next time. REALLY! Its not that I think his skills went kablooie (is that a technical term?). Just that he seems to have a problem working with more modern game engines compared to the old 2D ones of yesteryear. He needs a skills update. I wonder if that is downloadable...
  5. Was Fallout AFTER ToEE? Lets actually look at what I wrote here: After ToEE... After ToEE... Lets see it again shall we. After ToEE... Isn't being able to read a prerequisite of being a moderator, Walsh?
  6. Sorry Nightie, but I call them as I see them. Every aspect of ToEE, programming, design, story telling, and quality assurance, was a failure. One of the worse games I have ever bought. It was so bad that I didn't even bother to get Bloodlines til after Troika was dead and gone, and I got it for $10. After ToEE I am wary of any game that has Tim Caine's handiwork in it.
  7. Why? Because I actually know how to cook and bake? HA! Cooking and baking is the easy part. Cleaning up afterwards is something completely different.
  8. I like the Death and dying rules of Arcana Evolved mixed with the Massive Damage Threshold system from d20 Modern.
  9. Sorry, but the BG series had one character that trumps ME and that is Boo. LONG LIVE BOO!
  10. You can take my place in Iowa and I will take your place in the UK. You can have all the snow you want and I get better television. Everybody wins.
  11. Well, I wouldn't put Halflings in the lighter tone. In one of my campaigns a player was playing a halfling priest of Urgalon, the halfling death god, and was very grim about his business. His half brother was also a recurring villain, He was a serial killer who worshipped Cyric. That was an interesting campaign that spanned from Toril to Sigil to Oerth to Earth and back to Toril again. Gnomes tend to be serious technological and knowledge minded folks my campaigns. In my FR campaign the gnomes of Lantan had elemental powered submersibles and navy that fiercely protected their borders. They were not whimsical against the party when they tried to sneak into that country to retrieve an escaped criminal and bring him back to the Moonshae Isles, alive.
  12. Its snowing pretty good in Iowa as well. Today I baked more bread and currently fixing lunch in the form of a backed chicken sandwich shaped.
  13. Why? They are just a player race. They are no more annoying than humans, elves, dwarves, half elves, half orcs, and halflings. Might as well ban all the races since they are all equally annoying.
  14. I was wrong. Gamestop sells 1600 points for $19.99 and 4000 points for $49.99. http://www.gamestop.com/search.asp?Ntk=Tit...+Points&N=0 Alternatively you could buy points through your Xbox. 500 points at $6.25 1000 points at $12.50 2000 points at $20.00 5000 points at $62.50
  15. You can get a 1900 point card at Gamestop for $20.
  16. Wait, is me being bigoted more ironic than you not getting my irony? I was going for the double irony, Walsh. Me being "bigoted" against Christianity and everything. Besides, if I thought you were being serious I would have PMed Fio over that remark. Nonsense, you'd have baked me a cake. Or so I shall fondly imagine. There is no cake.
  17. I only bought the 3.5e books was because the place I buy gaming books at sold the main three together for a discounted price and I got a good trade on my 3e books. Overall, I only spent $30.
  18. You can't seriously tell me that you think NWN1 is better than Jade Empire and Mass Effect? It has the worse story design than any of their games.
  19. Wait, is me being bigoted more ironic than you not getting my irony? I was going for the double irony, Walsh. Me being "bigoted" against Christianity and everything. Besides, if I thought you were being serious I would have PMed Fio over that remark.
  20. The most disappointing game Bioware has made is NWN1. They were gaining ground fast with BG1 and BG2, dropped in a yawning chasm with NWN1, but slowly rose out of it with the expansions and KotOR 1. They then got back on track with Jade Empire and Mass Effect. Overall, I give Bioware a solid grade of B.
  21. I don't mind the inclusion of Dragonborn and Tieflings, I just think they should be int he PHB2 and the gnomes be in the PHB. Gnomes are a major part of the main campaign settings that WotC publishes. Removing the gnome from the core means that there is no real point even bothering with the main campaign settings of FR or Eberron til the second set of PHBs are released. If people like myself never bothered to buy the 3.5e PHB2 and DMG2 does WotC really think that we will bother to buy the 4e PHB2?
  22. Terraced street? Excuse my ignorance but what is that exactly? IR cameras would work but wouldn't give details, just heat signatures. How about motion sensors on the outside, connected to the inside lights. Such as when you go to bed at night or when you are away you can toggle the control to the living room lights and when the motion detects movement it turns it on, then after a bit of time if there is no further movement it turns itself off. Also that could be helpful if you are coming home late and need the lights on to see as you enter for whatever reason. As for the handgun, if you don't have anything overly valuable at the home or don't have a family to protect I can see why you wouldn't need a handgun. Especially if you don't live in a dangerous neighborhood. However in some cities in the US a weapon can become rather handy at times.
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