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Everything posted by Sand

  1. And you expected anything else?
  2. As I said to Pidesco, I never claimed to be a rational human being.
  3. Because they are. That is my belief.
  4. I never said I was a rational human being.
  5. Beliefs are irrational. That is my point. Yes, it is impossible to prove or disprove, at our current level of technology, that a omnipotent being was responsible for the origin of life. Yet the irrational person would give a definite answer one way or another while the rational person would say "I don't know."
  6. The only rational course is not have any beliefs and go by the information we have and continue scientific study. The most rational thing to say when asked who or what started the universe and all life on Earth would be "I don't know" then the most rational course of action would be finding out by gathering evidence and materials for scientific study to find out. Those who seek to follow irrational beliefs over the facts gathered are crazy, however, sometimes it is better to be crazy than right. And there may be somethings we may never find out. We may never find out what actually caused the universe to be created with any level of certainty. Instead of resorting to religion and the supernatural to find answers to the unanswerable we just need to accept that there are no answers to be had in the first place.
  7. The belief that some omnipetent perfect being that created everything which left no evidence behind of such creation except for a few lines of text that has been interpreted and reinterpreted by imperfect beings over the course of thousands of years doesn't seem that rational to me. Such a belief requires faith, and faith, by its very nature, is not rational. To each there own, I guess.
  8. How can one have a rational conversation about a irrational belief system with one who holds those irrational beliefs to be true?
  9. How can people be so stupid? I mean, for godsakes! Didn't they even go to high school? That is basic geography.
  10. Sorry, Pixie Stick, these aren't the spoiler forums.
  11. Well, I guess he needed his 15 minutes of shame.
  12. I can't disagree there, Tigger. Where were they in Texas anyway? Bioware-Austin? HA!
  13. Blunt and has a pioint. One of the many reasons why I like you.
  14. Profession and Craft are skills the characters can use to make money and contacts during downtime from adventuring. Hell, in the campaign I am in Profession (Gambler) has become a very useful and lucrative skill for 2 of the players.
  15. If one is going to criticize the game they should at least play the game.
  16. Derail the thread? I thought we are discussing the idiocy of fundies here.
  17. http://www.townhall.com/columnists/KevinMc...e_for_president
  18. I don't think it is alright to be a part of any religion that advocates discrimination and ignorance, but that is just me. Belief in a religion is a personal choice and should remain personal, but then we get people who try to bring it into politics and place arbitrary limits on scientific progress and civil liberties. However, I do agree with Hurlshot that extremism in any form leads to nothing good.
  19. In my gaming group we usually end up using all the skills in one form or another, in either as background flavor for the character or practical use during game play. Such as my wizard/fighter has Craft (Painter) and Perform (Dancing). While these two skills have no practical use during dungeon delving they are important aspects of his background and I keep them at a decent level. Also lumping all knowledges in one skill Lore would make Wizards way too powerful. Using my wizard as example he has ranks in Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nobility), Knowledge (Astrology), and Knowledge (Local-Sharn). Each of these Knowledge skills have been used a lot in the course of the campaign. Instead of removing or merging skills why not take a look at your campaign and gaming style and try to make those skills that aren't used, used more often. I think that would make for a more rewarding gaming experience in the long run. If you are concerned about not having enough skill points you can use this house rule our group picked up from Conan d20 concerning skills. Skill Points gained by Race or by High Intelligence can be used on Cross Class skills for 1 point per rank, instead of 2 points per rank. Skill points gained by class cost 2 points per rank in a cross class skill. Max ranks limitations remain the same. This allowed my Wizard/Fighter to have a number of useful skills while at the same time not sacrifice a lot of skill points for maintain the background flavor of the character.
  20. Darth Nuke should change his name to Darth Nutjob.
  21. Pixe Stick has fallen to the DS. Quick, somebody get Yoda!
  22. I work tonight so I am sleeping. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping...
  23. Although I would use different words, I do agree. It looks like to me that they wanted to do a whole new setting but keep the Forgotten Realms moniker for only marketing reasons. Its time for a new game system, I believe. I wonder if Cyberpunk v3 is any good.
  24. Pixie in a Box! I wonder if there is a happy meal toy inside.
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