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Everything posted by Sand

  1. How can I join when I don't own the game?!?!?
  2. I buy software and games that have a tangible pressence. Disks, manuals, and the such. If a piece of software is just digital without any tangible bits to it and costs money I simply don't buy it.
  3. Stop trying to invite me when I am at work. On the 11th I will have some spare money to buy CoD4 and some Microsoft points to buy a couple of Arcade Live games. I will tell him to make his own profile to log on to the box so that way I won't look like I am online when I am not.
  4. I would love to have played but I only have one game right now. Mass Effect.
  5. I found college fun. Nothing gets the dendrites burning like needing to do 3 ten page research papers the next day when you haven't even checked out the material from the library yet! I envy you, Pixie Stick. REALLY!
  6. That majorly sucks, Krookie. Sorry to here that. I was looking forward of you killing me, repeatedly, in some MP action game of some type.
  7. Americans hate their choices of political candidates I guess. Well, the election year, if the caucuses are any indicator, will have a major turn out in Iowa. Overall we had 3 times as many people show up for the caucuses with the Democrats side being nearly twice over the Republicans.
  8. I salute you, you concerned citizen you! Seriously, it is one aspect of US democracy that I find genuinely impressive. They seem to do it lots of different ways, though. How did yours work? Well, first off our precinct had 400 people crammed in an auditorium built for 200. It seemed that they only expected a 150 or so people total. It was rather chaotic. After each candidate captain had what he or she wanted to say about their particular candidate we had an initial counting of people. A candidate needed at least 60 votes in order to be viable for delegates. Obama, the guy I am for, initially got 144 votes. What surprised me was that Kucinich got more votes than Biden and Dodd with 15. Then we had the realigning which people talked and debated. In the end Obama got 157 votes (6 delegates), Edwards got 100 votes (3 delegates), Richardson got 70 votes (2 delegates), and Clinton was in last place with 66 votes (2 delegates) which surprised me. I would think she should have at least gotten more votes than Richardson, but it looked like that Clinton did very poorly in Ames as their was many precincts where she failed to even be viable. Cast off in the same boat as Kucinich! OH, THE HORRORS! I volunteered to be a alternate delegate for the counting convention which is suppose to narrow the field even farther. I am getting political! YAY ME!
  10. My favorite tag title combination was Champion Childkiller.
  11. I most certainly do not want an invincible uber character. That would be boring. Let the die roll what it may and if the character dies so be it. I'll make another. Hell, in earlier in the campaign I am currently in there was a bit of a debate if my character died or not. I just leveled, but then lost experience due to familiar death. The experience loss would have dropped me back to the previous level thusly lower my hit points, skills, and whatnot. At the time of level loss I was at -7 hit points and the loss of level hit points would have killed me. I argued that it was the way how it should have been done while my roommate argued that just because I loss a level doesn't mean the damage I took increased, but scaled, thusly I wouldn't have died. The DM ruled that I didn't die, but still I view that my character should have been axed right there and then, and I would have been fine with that. Being ann adventurer is suppose to be a dangerous occupation. That is why it is fun. Unfortunately, WotC wants to take the fun out of the game with 4e.
  12. Democracy is DOOMED!!! What else is new?
  13. Invites I would have accepted if... 1: I had the game. 2: Wasn't at work. My roommate thinks that Kyyyyle (who I assume is Krookie) is one messed up bugger. I just can't wait till I can take you guys on in CoD4. I'll die so fast it will make your head spin.
  14. Joe, they are taking away the threat of death when it comes to adventuring. They want it to make it that the PCs simply do not die regardless the risks they take by making them basically super heroes while every foe around them are peons. I don't see the fun in that.
  15. It was fun. Obama is winning Iowa with Huckabee getting the Republican side of things.
  16. I prefer material physicality, may it be plastic, paper, metal, or whatever, over nothing at all if I am going to spend money on something. If D&D Insider was going to stay free even after the 4e release then I would go for it but it won't.
  17. Digital "products" are not products. They are just zeroes and ones. A product is something you can hold and touch. It is tangible. Also D&D Insider isn't going to stay free. Its like dealers get you hooked on drugs. Its free to a point but once you are hooked it starts costing money. Wait til 4e comes out. It won't be free.
  18. I give up. There is no point in trying to discuss anything with you people.
  19. Actually I don't need them, but I do have access if you really want to be nitpicky, but a few months ago there was a case which involved a woman trying to break into her landlord's home and the landlord shot her dead. Hell, she wasn't even inside the home yet. When the police arrived the landlord told them what happened and she was not criminally charged.
  20. Where the hell did I say I wanted a perfect solution. There is no such thing as a perfect solution to anything. Humans, being imperfect beings, can never come up with a perfect solution to anything. I am just here to have a disccussion on the issues here. If that is beyond your grasp to understand then that is your problem. Not mine.
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