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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Take me down to Racoon City where the grass is green and the girls are... um... itchy... tasty...
  2. That goes without saying, Dark Raven. I mean, he's dead. Unless they put him in a freezer or use some pretty strong preservatives he will indeed rot and decay. On a more serious note, everyone has their opinions about world events and some like to spout it out regardless if people want to hear it or not, or even agree. I may not like or agree with Bobby Fischer's views but I respect him and his undeniable skill in chess.
  3. Bionic Commando kicked ass! Now if they only do this for Battletoads.
  4. Well, with a good understanding on micro-evolution of simple organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and the such we may gain some insight on macro-evolutionary processes on more complex organisms. The fact that these simple organisms can adapt to change very quickly is simply astounding.
  5. I am an evolutionist, Krezy. I just think it is funny how some creationists cling to their antiquated beliefs when the evidence is right in front of their eyes.
  6. I think it is a pretty poor attempt, Hurlie. Especially compared to what he wrote in the main article and his later blogs.
  7. Nah. An attention whore would be someone going to a crowded mall and start cutting themselves with a knife, making a bloody mess for everyone to see.
  8. He makes a lame attempt of apologizing. Isn't that precious. http://kevinmccullough.townhall.com/blog/m...7#commentAnchor
  9. Floorball, at least where I live is like hockey but without ice and we used a small rubber ball instead of a puck.
  10. So the bacteria are evolving to become more resistant to antibiotics. Interesting...
  11. Nah, your avatar is enough to keep me around.
  12. Of course that build is powerful but it will take a long time of game play to reach that level of power as it should. In the campaign I am in now it has taken us a year or so in real time for my character to reach level 7. By the time I reach to the point that I have all those feats I will be close to 20th level, which will probably take another 2 years in real time to get to. In comparison, 4e starts you out pretty much the equivelent of a 3rd to 4th level 3.5e character right off the bat. A complete newb that can use powerful abilities at will and without consequence. Not even my 7th level character can do that. Escalation of power, Cant.
  13. Read Lips is a simple Intelligence check. Alchemy is a crafting skill thusly belongs under the Craft metaskill. Setting traps uses Disable Device. Same principle, but in reverse. Track is the feat that allows the ability to track at all, while Survival is the skill used to beat the DCs. Read up the Track and Survival skill carefully in the 3.5e PHB. It is very clear how they work together. Of course you need a separate feat Urban Tracking and the Gather Information skill to track individuals in a large town or city. Merging the all Knowledge skills is a very bad idea. It will make those who specializes in Knowledge skills, such as Wizards, too powerful when it comes to skill checks.
  14. What the hell are you talking about, Cant? When the hell did I ever said my character was an elf or celestrial, or shoots lazer beams? Really, show me the f***ing post, Cant. Really. Where the hell did I say that? Nor did I say they are making the game easy. I said they are making low level characters too powerful. BIG WORLD OF DIFFERENCE, Cant. Get it right. You make the PCs more powerful, then you need to make the adversaries more powerful in order to be a challenge. Then you have to make the PCs even more powerful so they can overcome the challenges, then you have to make the challenges even stronger to challenge them. In case you haven't noticed Cant but their has been an escalation of power with each edition. From 1st, to 2nd, to 3rd, now 4th. 4th Edition makes the 1st level newbies practically super heroes, and once they get to mid to high levels they would become gods. That's okay with you, because their adversaries would be just as ridiculously uber as well.
  15. What exactly is that color? Pink, Blue, or Magenta?
  16. I guess. Man, I was a real ass at times back then. Good thing I mellowed out a bit. Regardless, I will remain Sand from here on out.
  17. Unfortunately someone else signed up as that name before I did. I would love to have my Visceris name back, but oh well. As the immortal bard wrote ""What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet."
  18. If they are going to remake FF7 for the PS3 I want more than just slight graphics upgrade. I want full Advent Children styled graphics for the game, dammit.
  19. No more name changes for this rabbit. None whatsoever. REALLY!
  20. Okay, its not true. It's libel. I do hope Bioware/EA/Microsoft sues the bugger for it.
  21. Lulz I just can't help myself. Win or lose, I just love a good argument.
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