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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. I spotted that one last night and was gonna post about it, heh. It's also an interesting take on the wheel and Ourobouros.
  2. Huh, I swear I tried to close the box and it didn't work, but yes, I agree that it's bad UI design.
  3. This patch should be beta release 2.0886, right? Just double checking.
  4. The mouseover for streetwise has an extra formatting thing over the word survival. I'm guessing it's supposed to be a mouseover link, but it doesn't work within a mouseover. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290112589220034/0687DDFB810392BBD4A93E58A7A633F6C1BAB91C/
  5. Confirmed here too. I just happened to use male aumaua, but the class I chose first was monk instead of paladin. screenshot: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290112589197653/EB5743442A035F1159C299E61AE07EE413349576/ output_log.txt
  6. Hey guys, just jumped into the beta. Anyway, here's the first bug I'm encountering: Bug: I'm unable to get to the gender/race/subrace section by either selecting the shield that represents the section or get past selecting single or multiclass. What happens is that if I press previous at the class selection screen, it shows the 'single or multiclass' popup and that is blocking me from going back any further. It happens with any race. expected behavior: Being able to either click on the shield that represents the section or click previous to go back further. This is with beta release 2.0886 output_log.txt edit: I'm a bit surprised how long I can make the title, heh.
  7. *dives into the beta* Beta access is available via higher level tiers or an add-on (~$20, still available I believe). It's still available. It's in the addons to the pledge.
  8. More that I have no idea how popular a monarchy would actually be in Iran and don't know how popular the old shah is. Members of the royal family are still around and the current 'crown prince' (at least the first person in line for the throne if the monarchy was re-established, th) is pretty popular apparently. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reza_Pahlavi,_Crown_Prince_of_Iran Although there is an older daughter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shahnaz_Pahlavi if Iran decides to allow women to be in line for the throne.
  9. Josh Sawyer did give a personal goal (or speculation) many months ago of March 2018, but otherwise, there isn't an official release date. I'd take that as a tentative date since it's not like he promised the community or swore in blood or anything. It definetly appears to be on track for a late first quarter release though. And yeah, having the steam keys released for backers a few weeks after release makes absolutely no sense.
  10. I don't think we have a dedicated MidEast politics thread (well, there was the liberation of Mosul one), so... The protests in Iran have gone into the third day and now there are reports of violence. It started over economic issues and then it just spiralled out from there due to existing discontent. I've also seen comments that it seems bigger (in size and being a big deal) than the Green Revolution eight years ago. http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/30/middleeast/iran-protests-intl/index.html BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-42524610 I checked brietbart maybe an hour ago and they didn't have the reports of violence yet, which were very recent. Whether this evolves into something remains to be seen, but it's sort of like a spark igniting a pool of flammable material, you don't get that level of protests without some underlying discontent. According to The Guardian, there were also chants of reinstating a monarchy and the late shah, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/dec/30/iran-protests-trump-tweets , but um, take that with a grain of salt if you will because the monarchy wasn't exactly popular back in the day.
  11. This probably should be updated since a couple stuff mentioned has been fixed in a recent update.
  12. Saw that one on the BBC site too actually. Also sounds like they could benefit from some fireworks regulations because (according to the brietbart article) last year firefighters had to put out 400 fires caused by fireworks. If that's Berlin alone, that's just nuts.
  13. Well, I meant equilibrium as in reasonably stable, not increasing or decreasing at a rapid pace. You also have the shift from larger families (which were neccesary due to survival rates) to smaller families, which definetly changes the population dynamics over time.
  14. Births could start to massively increase but nothing indicates that they will.Historically fertility rates that have fallen below replacement level are almost never coming back to that point. Well, the massive baby boom is skewing the number a little as that chunk of the population is dying off and the growth isn't as fast as it used to be in developed countries. As Elerond said, that population boom that we had over the past 200 years was unusual in historical terms and things will get to a point where things are unsustainable for that amount of population.
  15. Han Solo is Luke's boyfriend now? lol.
  16. Not sure whether to post here or in the politics thread... I guess here due to the sillyness of it, and the obliviousness of the US ambassadior to the UN. Ambassador Nikki Haley got pranked by two Russian comedians (who have pranked other officials before) into talking about a fictional island. lol.... You'd think she would know each country or at least take a glance at the UN membership because all but two have a membership in the UN. Those two are the Holy See (because neutral, though they do have observer status) and Palestine.
  17. The heck even is diet water? I bet it's just distilled water.
  18. Remember that giant Trump rooster statue outside that Chinese mall? Well, that same mall has replaced that with a giant dog with Trumps hairdo and one of his gestures. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/366640-giant-trump-dog-statue-placed-outside-chinese-mall I wonder if sharp_one will change his avatar or something, lol. Not that I don't like the avatar, just thought maybe he'd go with the change.
  19. Well yeah, the population will grow if theres incentive for it or various factors allow for it and as I said, if the resources don't support the population, then the population will decline. We probably have to wait until the baby boomer generation passes into the ether to see the real trajectory, but it's more that the population growth is just slowing down to a more reasonable pace than the massive burst in the 20th century. I think we as a species will be just fine with birth rates and there are no hints of any sort of birthrate crisis as certain people (nobody on this forum) make it out to be. Like any population, we are just reaching an equilibrium, but we still have to deal with the social and economic issues that come from reaching an equilibrium or a slow, but steady, population growth. The massive spike in population growth in the 20th century wasn't the norm for most of history.
  20. Good for the planet in general, yeah, but everybody is still facing the demographic shift (more of a slow earthquake really) that is coming from the baby boomers (from the last period of massive population growth) retiring out of the workforce. The US actually has a positive birthrate from immigration, but that doesn't change the demographic shift.
  21. The only problem with increasing the birthrate as a solution is that you won't see them entering the workforce a year or two from now and won't help any kind of short term solution. So, if you rely on an increased birth rate as a solution to growth, you won't see growth until 16-17 (technically 15, but this is accounting for up to a year attempting to concieve and then gestation time) years later at minimum, probably longer. Given that, you have to think of solutions that help growth now and in the short to medium term because trying to boost birth rate does nothing for that and if you don't deal with the problems hindering growth now, the hypotnetical baby boom is just going to hit those same problems. Also, the birth rate is actually declining everywhere, yes, even Africa, though they have a longer way to go. It's a result of developing countries catching up to developed countries. Plus some of that negative is coming from the demographic shift of baby boomers dying off. Keep in mind that population growth isn't going to happen forever, it would require infinite resources. Population is going to increase until it reaches some sort of equilibrium.
  22. Sigh, another site which has a popup saying please disable your adblocker. That page is extremely light on ads anyway
  23. Which decisions ? And by UN staff or things like the Five? A whole bunch of things really, and it sort of depends on who you ask. Having countries not known for excellent human rights standards on the Human Rights Comittee is one. It still functions as a place to air grievances without resorting to violence and as a nerve center for diplomacy. The UN has definetly had it's impact on history and it's hard to tell at a glance whether we'd be better off without the UN or with it.
  24. Kind of looks like you transplanted Feargus's or Rich Evans face onto a portrait of Henry the VIIIth or some other monarch or nobleman. The light shine on his nose (which wouldn't be in a 15th century painting) gives it away.
  25. Isn't most of the MidEast made of artificial countries since the boundaries were drawn up to divide up the remains of the Ottoman empire at the end of WWI? At least going by your definition of an artificial country. Anyhow, I agree with Guard Dog here, Israel has done a lot of things that would typically be condemned if done elsewhere, but they aren't evil by any means. As for Jerusalem, there really is no easy solution there. Yes, it's the de-facto capitol of Israel, but it's greatly complicated by the fact that it's the holy city of three major religions and having the mosque on top of what remains of the temple mount definetly doesn't make it any easier.
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