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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Probably something lost in translation or misunderstood. I too wonder where he got that idea.
  2. @those complaining about the romance stuff: You could just, not do the romance stuff if you don't want to. I seriously doubt it'll be forced on us or anything.
  3. It wasn't the Novorossiya flag. Seems he's removed it anyway. Sooooo, the crime should be punished but not the criminal? How would that work? We put murder in prison but not the murderer? BTW. Isn't "You people" a racists term? No idea where you get the idea that 'you people' is a racist term, he's just trying to refer to the rest of us, though it may be particularily at the US.
  4. Sharp_one isn't actively trying to hurt anyone with it. It's not bothering me and I know he's not the type of raging (American*) nationalist that the flag is usually associated with. Besides, he's Polish, so, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt about knowing the full story behind it, unless he has researched it. *He's a raging Polish nationalist, there's a difference. And I say that with a bit of good natured humor. It's up to the mods and Obsidian whether they're okay with it.
  5. I get the idea behind what you're saying, as in 'it takes a thief to know a thief' or in a modern twist, 'it takes a hacker to know a hacker'. But how do you make sure people in that kind of environment don't re-offend? And I'm not talking about those who simply did a dumb thing that one time.
  6. What do you mean by 'so thin on the ground'? The three returning characters already have a deep background and I'd expect the other characters to have a similarily deep background.
  7. 'thin priviledge' what even? lol....
  8. +1 Though the sexual offender list here in the US is kind of 'one punishment fits all', including cases of teenage dumbness.
  9. You forgot how loud minorities can be. If you show their unsightly side, there will be SJW sh*tstorm. We don't want it for Pillars, are we? There already was one in the first game over a god damn joke-poem gravestone epitaph written by one of the backers, if i recall correctly. (Which is absolutely ridiculous if you ask me) It's the internet, there's always something for someone to get offended by. That doesn't mean that the PoE2 team isn't being careful with it, they know it's an area which can blow back against even the most talented and well intented devs.
  10. Iselmyr is rude, aggressive and impudent as stereotypical butch. So making her interested in women that would be problematic stereotype, not feminine Aloth being gay. Theres also the five year span between the end of PoE1 (have they decided on a rough year for PoE1 to end? given that the months roll by during playtime) and the start of PoE2. Which means that depending on what happens to Aloth in PoE1, there's a chance of Iselmyrs character having grown and changed since.
  11. The sexual orientation of god-likes; that's a whole can of worms right there. The whole concept of god-likes seems rather cruel of the gods, in my mind. Pallegina's 'romance orientation' (if you will) wasn't hinted at in PoE1, I don't think she ever tried to flirt with anybody. Wouldn't be surprised if she came out as asexual or just not interested. Also, the sexual orientation of godlikes is as much a can of worms as anybody else. They're infertile, yes, but that just means they cannot produce children, not that they don't have the equipment for it.
  12. I see it as a bit of a tug of war between wanting to say something because Iran is pretty repressive (not as much as Saudi Arabia however) and they are brutal towards protestors and between trying to support them but at the same time not give the Iranian government an excuse to label the protests as being caused by enemies (which they already have started saying). I've even seen a few articles by Iranians who say that Trumps tweets (and others, but Trump in particular) are not helpful since it has nothing to do with Trump or anybody else and is purely an Iranian phenomenon and the protestors might not even want help from America or others. That said, there have been observations that these protests arise from deeper discontent than the 2009 ones were and are coming from a different segment of the population. A few have said it's more akin to a civil rights movement than a revolution or revolt, but it's still too early to see where it might go.
  13. Either way, it'll be interesting how they deal with the Iselmyr situation for Aloth.
  14. Not sure what the whole Jar-Jar dislike was about, other than being a goofy clumsy character.
  15. He looks taller than the elven merc. Maybe I'll roll up a dwarven char really quick to check for sure. Actually, yeah, you're right. I think it may have been because the models are a bit different from PoE1.
  16. So, basically a drone mothership rather than flying aircraft carrier. Definetly a cool concept and someone is bound to hit on the idea sooner or later. The article does mention a possible advanced concept of an aircraft carrier launched (drone?) plane which acts as a mothership for the smaller ones.
  17. The two words are synynonims, that's true. Wouldn't be able to afford flying over to Hungary anyways.
  18. I think you mean travel, not move, move implies moving house permanently. At least to me in that context.
  19. I don't know, seems like a weak excuse. You can leave the republics, she could have actually been born a man, she could have been born a man to dirt farmers in Aedyr. That is no less "the gods fault" than her being an avian godlike. Don't need feathers for hair to be reviled by society, or treated like a freak. In all honesty, in eternity 1, no one really treated her "badly" other than durance, and he didn't exactly restrict that to her. Eh Hiravias wasn't great to her either, all that speculation about her genitals and whether she had a cloaca was pretty creepy. He does seem a bit cursed with extreme curiosity, heh.
  20. *be's an ass to trueneutral* j/k lol. edit: Half expected the word ass to be blanked out. Anyways, cheers to everybody!
  21. In this part of the conversation with Himuihi, the mouseovers for both Ranger and Orlan icons have a *missing string -1* https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290112592068254/18F219AE65BF064FA61F5E614F7953FC9D91ED60/ The missing string shows up again for orlan in another part of the conversation with her. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290112592079372/7A57C5C23F4DB00168C7E8409997C65653CC5AA2/ Got the CharacterStats:Nonameset thing again and a claim of level up after finding a hidden trap https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290112592143418/B960E1F166F640BDA80378960CDDE726E26898A0/ At the WIndswept Shrine, the Monk, Cypher, and Druid mouseovers have *missing string -1* https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290112592375029/2C9F1D60B3E7CA904D6A7777822E7A9B878ECC4E/ This one may just be due to where the beta ended, but after the beta end message, if I re-enter that tiawara (sp?) temple ruin, I get a *missing string 6* in place of the usual descriptive text. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290112592682176/59ECEECC09CBBAFD1183F3A1ACD42E4D649163DB/
  22. I ran into something similar, I got the same line after a quest completed, but nobody actually levelled up. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290112592050792/58328A6598DE2943A8CB8F39D0DF93C92FE5B33F/
  23. I realize it's just a beta and thus the NPC chatter is going to be limited, but saying the same two or three things over and over again gets old pretty fast. Especially at the frequency that it happens. I'm talking about the random chatter that appears as you walk around rather than the scripted conversations.
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  24. I've noticed an inconsistency with one character, in the conversation with him, he's described as a dwarf, but he's as tall as a human. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290112591584341/F8655D235EBA5528A55F2D9574A3A5A3CD78180D/ I initially thought that was the only misdiscription and posted that in the writing errors compilation thread, however, I overheard a conversation with these three NPCs describing him as a dwarf. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290112591703748/D47510E8B989A952B283760C6BAA2841F8E3F3A2/ Since the NPCs model is that of a human, it's an inconsistency in the description. It sounds like maybe he was intended to be a dwarf but the model given was that of a human. editwhiletyping: I spoke to another NPC and got the same description of Vektor being a dwarf, so, I'm 100% convinced he's supposed to be a dwarf.
  25. The first NPC you meet, Vektor, is described as a dwarf, but he doesn't look like a dwarf, he's actually slightly taller than the elven merc next to him. Screenshot of text error: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290112591584341/F8655D235EBA5528A55F2D9574A3A5A3CD78180D/ Then again, an overheard conversation with other NPCs seems to indicate he's supposed to be a dwarf? Maybe I'll post a fuller bug report.
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