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Everything posted by smjjames
As for net neutrality and the marjuana stuff happening with Gary Johnson, not neccesarily, it depends on who he appoints and Gary Johnson is a supporter of marjuana. Not to mention that a situation that would result in a Gary Johnson Presidency would result in huge differences in Congress.
You forgot one of the most important questions: How much are you willing to pay?
What's male and what's female differs from language to language. Polish "kot" is male but German "die Katze" is female. Both mean "cat". "King Robert's Hammer" translated into Polish will be male. You'd need "King Robert's Mace" to have female name in Polish. And what if there's a language where "mace" is male or neuter? Yea, different rules apply to different languages. For example, in Russian word 'Корабль' (Ship) has male gender, 'Лодка' or 'Шлюпка' (Boat) has female gender and 'Судно' (Vessel) has third, neuter gender. Also, 'Корабль' is generally used for military ships, 'Судно' for civilian ships and 'Лодка' or 'Шлюпка' for small boats. Go figure which one to use in localization Interesting distinction between 'boat' and 'ship', though in English, boat generally refers to small craft and ships to large ones. 'Корабль' would easily be equivalent to 'warship', so, the distinction should translate easily.
villagers have a bright outline
smjjames replied to Madscientist's question in Backer Beta Bugs and Support
I had a random thought about this bug and noted that the bug doesn't show up on the villagers clothes, so, I thought to myself, does it happen when the party is naked (undies are still on, obviously)? And the answer is yes, the Aumaua merc shows the same problem. It shows up a little on the others, but not as prominently as it does for Aumaua. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290553160320282/3A07B5532E26440D9B48792ACA9DBC530C21933B/ -
I'm lucky I live over here on the west coast, lol. Totally unaffected.
I will bet money Trump WON'T win next election. He allowed/****ed with Internet and Pot. Sessions needs to get the **** outta Congress and everyone else who makes decisions on what they personally feel against the will of the people they supposed to be representing. Dammit, Libertarians need to get more people because screw the Democrats and the Republicans. Sessions IS out of Congress, he stopped being a Senator when he was picked and confirmed for Attorney General. It's definetly guaranteed to become an issue in the states where it's affecting people. Theres still some Republicans who are against it though, including Sessions. However, Sessions is particularily fixated and stuck on the failed war on drugs.
Yep, he only managed to accelerate the release of that book. I think it's just a whole bunch of palace intrigue and drama that will blow over. Some parts may be true, others may have a grain of truth but are overdramatized, others are plain fake and way overdramatized.
villagers have a bright outline
smjjames replied to Madscientist's question in Backer Beta Bugs and Support
Actually, the party members clothes do show the effect, particularily the side of the merc priest. Using 1280x960 resolution, full graphics quality, though it also shows on medium. An additional note is that it only appears when the villager or party member is either in shadow or there's a shadow behind them. Shows up particularily well on the side of the merc priest: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290553159065861/7D4314E6016CF34393E2D1CDCDE1291E16BC9320/ Can also show up on equipment, note the shield: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920290553159061955/F184BA320967A130C5AFA0B87F99D2D9F1546E08/ -
[BUG] Loading a savegame opens character editor
smjjames replied to Boeroer's question in Backer Beta Bugs and Support
Not reproducing it on windows. -
[BUG] Loading a savegame opens character editor
smjjames replied to Boeroer's question in Backer Beta Bugs and Support
Hm, there was a PoE1 update, but not an update for the PoE2 Deadfire beta. Gonna check it out. Not playing on Linux though. @JFutai: Is that on Windows or Linux? -
He would brag about being responsible for the sky being blue if he thought it would get peoples attention. Let me just state that I completely get and grok and all that the economic boosts that the offshore oil drilling expansion is supposed to have, but even conservatives would have misgivings about offshore oil drilling where they don't want them. Trump is setting himself up for a massive environmental fight by aiming to open up the entire Atlantic and Pacific coasts to offshore oil drilling. TheHill article with some other details. There have been some Republicans opposing it and the Governors of Florida (a Republican), Virginia, North Carolina, and the Gov-elect of New Jersey have opposed it as well. Gov. Brown of California hasn't said anything yet, but I fully expect him to oppose it. I've also seen some stuff about possibly off of Hawaii. The west coast is a particular problem for oil drilling because it's a seismically active region (California especially) and it's going to become a massive fight locally everywhere.
stealing from my post in the other thread: Yeah. Stolen from the thread: Ship "Defiant" fires its cannons at ship "Black Pearl". Similar to the example I gave but avoids the problem of stating the sex of the subject. Smart wording as I said. It's a potential solution, sure, but it still reads a bit awkwardly because in english you'd say 'the ship Black Pearl'. It'd work fine for a combat log, but not as well for dialogue or descriptive text.
Yeah. Stolen from the thread: Ship "Defiant" fires its cannons at ship "Black Pearl". Similar to the example I gave but avoids the problem of stating the sex of the subject. Smart wording as I said. It's a potential solution, sure, but it still reads a bit awkwardly because in english you'd say 'the ship, black pearl'. It'd work fine for a combat log, but not as well for dialogue or descriptive text.
Lol, you don't ask a player to work on localization within the game, it's developers job. The only input I think players should be allowed to do is to write their own ship's name if they so desire, which makes my suggestion the only viable suggestion. Or choose from a range of predefined names. Hey, he asked for help, so.... I only know english, so, I can't actually help much here. I am aware of other languages having the gender pre (or post) positions and am slightly familiar with the Spanish one, but not neccesarily it's proper use. Great, now if only Josh visited this forum to see our solution... I'm sure the other devs will relay the information if he doesn't see it.
I think those were just examples of ship names in english to show what he's talking about. It has to do with the localizaton and how the game refers to it or something. I know Spanish uses both El and La to mean 'the', but El is the masculine article and La is the feminine article, or something like that. He's the kind of guy who agonizes over the details, so, not surprising that he would agonize over it.
Double posting this from the Josh Sawyer's tweets and teasers thread to give it more visibility and help him out. Anyways, Josh Sawyer has been agonizing about tokenizing ship names because English doesn't use gender prepositions for ships (although ships are commonly referred to as female, but english language doesn't do that) and when he tries to localize to other languages that DO use gender nouns (the Romance languages for example, french, spanish, italian), he's running into problems in deciding how, and there are similar issues with Polish and Russian, but for other reasons. Or tl;dr, localizing to other languages, especially when you're trying to deal with gender prepositions, cases, articles, can be a real PITA and he wants help and opinion from gamers. His 'mood is like this' type image pic: https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/948678512969375745 Twitter poll asking speakers of the mentioned languages how they feel about doing it: https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/948690992089088002 Tumbler post on it: https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/169284230541/the-problem-with-tokens
Anyways, Josh Sawyer has been agonizing about tokenizing ship names because English doesn't use gender prepositions for ships (although ships are commonly referred to as female, but english language doesn't do that) and when he tries to localize to other languages that DO use gender nouns (the Romance languages for example, french, spanish, italian), he's running into problems in deciding how, and there are similar issues with Polish and Russian, but for other reasons. Or tl;dr, localizing to other languages, especially when you're trying to deal with gender prepositions, cases, articles, can be a real PITA and he wants help and opinion from gamers. His 'mood is like this' type image pic: https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/948678512969375745 Twitter poll asking speakers of the mentioned languages how they feel about doing it: https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/948690992089088002 Tumbler post on it: https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/169284230541/the-problem-with-tokens edit: Transgender ship preposition nouns anybody? lol, jk.
In Divinity: OS 2 and Elex, I had to read some disgusting lines of NPCs throwing their panties at my feet and begging for sex despite my refusing to ever pick a dialogue choice that pandered to their emotions in the slightest - because, I guess, I completed their quests and a couple of other things somehow built up the global variable. I had to read very carefully and select the most mean rejection line possible, and one of them called me a wanker and we moved on, thank God. You mean the death rose witch? Though other than that one, I didn't run into that stuff in Divinity: OS2. That elven PC is knd of a b**** though. Then again, I didn't play all of the characters.
If true, I guess he's not the kind of rich guy who likes having people clean up after him. At least as far as housekeeping goes anyway.
It's a comedy movie, so, you kind of misunderstood it a bit maybe. Though as malcador said, it's one of those things where the context matters.