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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. @shadysands: That sentence is kind of self contradictory, but yeah, theres a reason why bluer states tend not to do it and redder states tend to. edit: Then again, the new quote gives context. I realize that American politics and history may be confusing and nonsensical for some foriegners, but that's just the way it is.
  2. It still doesn't help when one party has repeatedly used it, and even stated their motive as such, for voter suppression. In your countries (other than the US), has one or more of your political parties been accused of voter suppression or even caught doing so? I've said repeatedly that one party actually has been using ID cards and stuff for voter suppression and theres even a history of minorities being disenfranchised via voter suppresion methods. The point I'm trying to make is that there is a whole history of it happening, and with that, nobody should be surprised minorities and others are resistant to things like that.
  3. I don't understand this at all. I think in that way you screw up people who don't think them voting is worth 20 bucks - then yeah, I am probably on republican side of this. It's American politics, it doesn't always make sense
  4. Yeah well, some Republicans have straight up admitted that their intent is voter suppression and targeting minorities. Another way to put it is that there is a lack of trust towards Republicans to not screw over minorities and the poor when it comes to voting.
  5. The other problem with the ID, aside from the costs to buy one that is, is that the Republicans have consistently been using the IDs as a method of voter suppression or with intent to suppress voters. Yes, in general having a voter ID is a sound idea, but when one party has consistently done it with the intent to suppress votes (poor people tend to vote Democrat, and minorities generally get hit harder by the costs to get IDs), it just isn't a great idea.
  6. *pokes trueneutral* Thought you guys were going to continue the number thing, heh.
  7. *facepalm* Somehow I expected you guys to keep up the number thing and didn't notice that thread. Sorry. edit: Doesn't look like I have the ability to lock it, could one of the mods lock it? This was a mistake on my part.
  8. delete or otherwise lock this thread please, I made it by mistake.
  9. Silly Hurlshot being stereotypical, you're supposed to be their teacher, dude. Just ribbing ya a bit.
  10. You could still end up with an offensive Indian and Japanese accent if you do it wrong. Also, while there is that type of Italian accent usually done for comedy reasons, I don't know how offensive Italians find it. The French generally (stereotypically, and may not be true for everyone) get upset if you do French wrong or not too superbly well. They are known for being pretty defensive about their native language though. I think it's the difference of mimicking an accent of another English speaking country and mimicking the accent of someone from a non-English speaking country trying to speak English. It's easier to get away with the former than the latter. Not impossible just harder to get away with without offending someone. I used to do a pretty good bad Swedish accent Japan isn't primarily or a large portion english speaking, though there could be enough that you might be able to get away with it.
  11. I read most of the comments and I have to say that I feel bad for the guy who couldn't say Merry Christmas for 20 years Poor fella Spreading unproven rumors helps nobody though. Not saying Malcador is actually spreading said rumors.
  12. You could still end up with an offensive Indian and Japanese accent if you do it wrong. Also, while there is that type of Italian accent usually done for comedy reasons, I don't know how offensive Italians find it. The French generally (stereotypically, and may not be true for everyone) get upset if you do French wrong or not too superbly well. They are known for being pretty defensive about their native language though.
  13. The. Cake. Is. A. Lie. Or maybe, lets all dogpile on Gfted1! WOO! We be silly.
  14. Ay yi yi! I do not take your feelings into consideration, I'm just bored with you. You. are. a. liar. So simple even you cant "misinterpret" If you're bored with him, then why are you even responding?
  15. He definitely took the easy way out, avoid all that media attention and eventual jail time I probably would have done the same what are you talking about? Police dropped that case. Are all people mad these days? You are ok with ruining peoples lives without trial? wtf Awful, just awful. Trump 2020! It's no surprise that con artists would take advantage of the current climate, if that's the case here. I saw an article the other day saying that Sen. Chuck Schumer had gotten targeted with a fraudulent accusation. It was pretty obvious that it was an accusation because it claimed certain dates that he was somewhere when in fact he was someplace else, among other inconsistencies. Still, it's terrible that it would lead to this kind of reaction on the part of the accused.
  16. So, uh, anybody miss the drama in the WH? Because there was apparently some (though unclear just how much drama) over Omarosa being fired. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/12/13/16773148/omarosa-trump-white-house-drama http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/364827-omarosa-tripped-white-house-alarms-report And apparently Rep Farenthold is a major a-hole to guys as well: https://www.axios.com/farenthold-faces-new-allegations-from-male-staffer-2517281611.html?utm_medium=linkshare&utm_campaign=organic The comment he made to the guys fiance is sexual, yes, but it's just pure a-holery there.
  17. As for the horse, it also seemed like the horse wasn't used to crowds or at least all the noise or something. Which was probably on top of what he was doing, but you'd think he would bring one who is used to crowds, or he doesn't care. @Raithe: Was it Trump that did that with the birthday month or was it a typo on whoever typed it up?
  18. Yeah, he's now being stubborn and not conceding because he wants to wait until all the votes are in and until tomorrow, because 'god wills it' or somesuch. I guess it's fair enough if he wants to wait until it's all in, but still.... He's also calling for a recount.Well it is his right, but since he was denied fair trail and due process before I'm not surprised he will be denied this to. Jones wins will give Dems one input - it's possible to win using mud throwing again. Waiting for the paper ads "Will accuse a candidate for $$$. Two accusations in price of one." Trump 2020! Wanting to wait until the proccess plays out and let all of the votes be counted and all that is perfectly reasonable anyway. The thing is, a recount isn't going to flip him to a win, not with this wide of a margin. Also, mud throwing has always been around, it's not new.
  19. The Democrats had massive good luck in Moore winning the primary, yeah, that's true.
  20. You do know that the Democrats would say the same of the Republicans as far as being bereft of conscience, right? Just replace liberal with conservative and bam, you have the same sort of party line. I'm not trying to hit you over it (okay, maybe a little), just pointing out that the things liberals and conservatives throw at each other have more in common than you might think. As far as gloating, I don't see any gloating, being estactic, yes, gloating? no. The politicians are doing their thing though.
  21. Yeah, he's now being stubborn and not conceding because he wants to wait until all the votes are in and until tomorrow, because 'god wills it' or somesuch. I guess it's fair enough if he wants to wait until it's all in, but still.... He's also calling for a recount.
  22. I doubt Roy Moore would be any less militaristic than Doug Jones though.
  23. AP and others are now starting to call in Jones as the winner.
  24. Yeah, pretty incredible since Alabama is such a deep red state. Jones is slowly moving ahead in the lead.
  25. Remember all those 'ghost troops' Iraq ended up with? While I'm sure some would show up as 'untrackable' due to bureaucratic inefficiency and errors, the Pentagon really doesn't want to end up ordering something somewhere, only to find out it doesn't actually exist. I doubt theres any actual misdeeds like the corruption which led to Iraqs problem, the article mentions discrepancies that could show up in the math as a whole bunch of extra unknowns.
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