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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. That's alot of Divinity Original Sin 2 going on lol
  2. Yeah, thats a good point too... I think that alot of people confuse health with developer bias or sexism. If you're going to be running and fighting alot enemies, you're naturally not going to be overweight/obese. You're going to be in shape because you are optimal shape from fighting. If people want the most complex character customization, I'd point them to Saints Row games. They can create pretty much anything they want there.
  3. I would love controller support but highly doubt it will have any.
  4. While I like youe enthusiasm, there's A LOT of great games coming in 2018. Honestly, I thinm Deadfire will be pushed aside, overlooked and ultimately forgotten by the vast public. Of course, I'd love to be proven wrong.
  5. I think each game has its pros and its cons... I will say that (from what I've seen), DOS2 has more interesting companions and I favor turn-based combat over rtwp combat. However, something about PoE Deadfire's lore grabs me and I'm looking forward to the ship and crew originality it brings to rpg's. I think PoE Deadfire is far different from the first while DO2 is more like the first. I agree with Sedrefilos, Larian's concepts have always been about fun, moreso than Obsidian could ever hope to be. Obsidian is more serious and grim tone. Larian can be serious and grim if the occasion calls for it. I guess they are totally opposites in rpg's yet they are two great games to pit against each other. I mean, why not? There's alot of great points to make comparisons and I always told friends that PoE and DOS were great rpg's that complimented each other because of how different they are. They are so different that they are a match in heaven.
  6. ^Ryan Ashley is a freakin tattoo goddess!!!!
  7. The other one with red hair reminds me of what her face from Witcher 3 - Triss... except crazier, which I like Maybe that's what makes these characters so apealing to me, they seem psychologically damaged in most areas and I've always been interested in the human psyche.
  8. If you are not happy with it, refund for sure. That small amount of money may be just that but it could very well get you another game that you enjoy much more.
  9. Hmmm... That's exactly why I said "I'm not saying Obsidian's companions aren't as good" I was hoping that would clarify what I was trying to say... Fun and interesting as in humorous and out there. I wouldn't say Obsidian has done anything quite like that as the writers are complete opposites. Exciting as in I'm more exciting to see/play as these characters than Deadfire's companions (from what has been revealed so far) However, that excitement may be subject to change once we get closer to Deadfire's release - so lomg as the community here doesn't try to oversell things like what was with the first game.
  10. Right?! Why is there no Obsidian game in history have any companions this exciting? I'm not saying that Obsidian's companions aren't good just not as nearly as fun and interesting. Seriously, the companions in this game look absolutely amazing.
  11. As I said before, doesn't really matter what I say here (on this specific forum). If I were to name any games in which my opinion or judgment were horrible "classics" then someone can argue and say it's all about tastes or opinion, fighting the inevitable... which was exactly my point in my original comment about judging thousands of games before playing them. Of course difference being that I've played the games of which I have formed an opinion on. Which can be either a huge factor or a discarded memory depending on the reader. It's easy but also extremely faulty to judge games this year on past years of productivity when nobody here has played them, I guess that's all I was saying. https://www.gog.com/mix/bog_bad_old_games Now I definitely wouldn't be able to take anyone who says "The reviews are good on GoG so it has to be good" because the reviewers on GoG are no different than the reviewers on Steam, extremely biased and indifferent. In fact, since the games on GoG are so limited in catalogue, I'm gonna say that GoG users are even more biased to give positive reviews than what's on Steam. Just saying :-L
  12. I've seen users on there write the craziest things, complain about the weirdest stuff. Petition and boycott games because they didn't have enough flat-chested female girls to their liking. You'd be surprised what people will complain about and to what length they'll go to get their way. It doesn't take much these days for devs to "screw up" a game and lose hundreds of thousands of sales just because one fan says "This game doesn't have this?? Let's start a revolt!!" Makes a group or a thread or even a youtube video and causes major havok, generating all kinds of mess. It doesn't matter what we think of, from a female character wearing the wrong earings, to wearing the wrong dress... it's all been done. People have made a big deal about all that kind of stuff on forums. I am talking specifically about Visual Novel/Jrpg/Anime Fighters fanbases who are extremely picky about girls in their games. Yes, I've seen it all... Just look at the comments here for example... https://mobile.twitter.com/tsuntenshi/status/621480371121577984 ^That is just a small example. Of course I could do more direct links but I don't think they would be much appropriate since in all honesty, the current subject on this thread would fall under "censorship" and that's one of the biggest discussions on Steam right now.
  13. I could never see myself getting attached to anime characters at this point of my life, nor can I see myself getting emotionally invested in a 2D world of waifus (which already calls for me not to take anything seriously). But I'm old, I'm 30 so that may have something to do with my ancient dinosaur lack of imagination and boring aspect on the topic. I say, if you love it then that's awesome. There are some games which pull me in the same way, when I finished Life Is Strange, Transistor and Oxenfree, they had an emotional impact on me so there's that. I may have a heart after all! Oh... and I recommend Macross (aka Robotech where you Americans are). It's a great anime.
  14. I've seen a few of the companion trailers, I have to say that they look far more fun and interesting than what we got in anything like Pillars but the writing is wacky and crazy. All that said, yes yes I want it! It's just a matter if you like Larian's brand of humor that may make the cut or alas, ye be willing to dabble in it.
  15. People on this forum have admitted they hate Steam in past threads lol shouting how they will/would never use it, for different reasons. There are people here who have made a fuss and knocked anything small about anything that has to do with Steam down to the trading cards or leveling up on profiles. The pro-GoG means they are for GoG, against DRM formats The Anti-Steam means they do not support/like Steam The same cult-movement I see on here, I've seen on other forums. It's okay, it doesn't bother me nor is there anything wrong with it. It just is what it is. I say it all though with respect as its not meant as an insult. Edit: I should add that I do like GoG so I am pro-GoG but also pro-Steam. I just prefer Steam for what it's doing for the industry.
  16. Trump's doing a great job right now at this moment.. I think only a fool would deny that. While I'm not pro-Trump, I'm not anti-Trump either. I often wonder how much worse anyone else would be doing right now with everything going on. As far as getting the president impeached or not voted in for a second term, I don't see that happening. Democrats simply don't have the numbers and even if they did, in the end I think they will be smarter than that. I mean, Trump has his issues but he's loud about them while Hillary just lied or would be very secretive. Yes, there is alotta Trump-haters out there. I don't think Miss Texas is a Trump-hater as many people are calling her out as. I think they are happy to have anything they can against Trump Same thing with Arnold Schwarzenegger and his youtube video calling Trump out. Obviously he is a Trump supporter and a friend of Donald Trump but you always see/hear rumors about somebody turning their back on Trump simply because that's what the hate train WANTS to believe. Alotta delusional peeps out there who refuse to accept that Trump even won the election (even a year later), they simply cannot move on I guess. https://youtu.be/FN_YIBr0ELM Anyways, I hope that truth doesn't start a war on here.
  17. Here's the thing though, while I don't expect anyone here to take me seriously for the obvious reasons that most users here on this forum are pro-GoG and anti-Steam, also the fact that some of the users here may be older which in case love GoG as it features "classics" from the 90's golden age of gaming by comparison Steam is modern/flashy and for kids Greenlight has shut down months ago so there has been far less shovelware or even Rpgmaker games made by kids but over the last 5 years yes, definitely a mix of great indie titles and absolutely horrid ones. Still, would rather have a platform which enables/encourages new devs rather than restrict them. If GoG starts doing this instead of being greedy then I will definitely switch! Honestly, I don't expect anything I say to change anybody's minds here but I will say that if these games were to "suddenly" come to GoG, then most likely nobody here would be saying anything negative. I say this only because we've seen GoG get plenty of horrible "classics" but that's okay because that's helping the GoG/DRM-free community out. Maybe I'll prefer GoG someday, who knows, the way GoG is currently run is unappealing to me at best. If major changes are made whilst keeping the Drm-free cause then I may consider switching.
  18. I can't imagine how many people would be angry if there were no breasts on the female argonians, there would be an uproar on the net simply because you couldn't tell the difference. Which was the point of my first comment on the matter, I think that's the reason still, yes..
  19. Texas has the best women, I should know I married one Texans are really their own though, they never hold back. When I got here it was like a different country. I appreciate that she did us proud by being so blunt and that's all I could ever ask. God bless Texas!
  20. Awwwwe cute! XD And Idk either, maybe it's because the games are now on Steam with forums, trading cards and such lol I like Beamdog, if it wasn't for them then a new generation/audience would never try the classics and Crpg genre would be getting way less exposure so Beamdog's actually a huge Crpg push right now and people should just be grateful for that
  21. I'm just not sure how that validates anyone to an opinion if the games are worth playing or not lol I understand that the majority of users here widely favor GoG over Steam, this is why I favor Steam over GoG and Origin. I am experienced enough to have found some truly hidden gems. Of course nonody has time to test out thousands of games but that's not it, it's more like people are blindly saying "I'd rather have a few good games on GoG than thousands of crap games on Steam" not because it's true but because GoG lacks support which GoG users are desperate enough to be in every game hub on Steam begging for devs to release their products on GoG. That proves to me that they're not crap and at least some value or there would be no point of making such a statement without playing them
  22. The reason I asked is because GoG users are always flooding Steam's forums begging for devs to release their games. So I know that there is some jealousy floating about, not saying from anyone here personally. Just in general on the net.
  23. It sounds like a bug. Have you tried pressing cancel and going back to see if it saved? Sometimes games do that.
  24. How do you know? Have you tried the thousands of games yourself in order for you to come to that conclusion? Or is this the same old "We hate Steam and it's greenlight brigade!" Let's face it, Steam will always have the gems that will never come to Origin, GoG or whatever the other one's called.
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